Chapter 4: The end of day

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*Cha-yong POV*
I don't know how I managed to do it but I finally pushed through the whole school day without passing out of boredom. But mostly because of what Yujin said today this morning. Was she serious or was it just one of her mean tricks she plays on girls to make it seem like she likes them... Ugh, I'm so confused and frustrated. Should I gooo?
Speaking of the devil, I saw her exit the bathroom with the captian of the cheer squad, Min Haeri. The most popular girl everyone in school is aspiring to be, well except me, maybe me, ugh I don't know ok but when I saw her and Yujin existing the bathroom together with their clothes all messed up and Haeri's make up all smudged, I might've felt a bit of jealousy raging inside of me. I angrily turned around and shut my locker aggressively gaining everyone's attention and I stormed out there. I made my way to the back of the school where Yujin told me to meet her and I hoped and prayed that she would come and not ghost me. I closed my eyes then opened them slowly when I felt a figure standing right in front of me.

*Yujin POV*
I was zipping up my pants while Haeri started fixing her hair.
"Mmh, that was good" I said as I pecked her cheek. I walked out of the bathroom first with Haeri following right behind me. At the corner of my eye I could see my beautiful princess look at Haeri with a bit of jealousy. To me, jealousy is the best thing any girl could show me. I smirked to myself and heard her shut her locker with so much aggression just to show how angry she was. I laughed a bit, loving how her jealousy took over her. Then I saw her making her way to the back of the school where I told her she should meet me.
"Good girl" I whispered to myself then ran after her. I saw her leaning her back onto the school wall closing her eyes. I got closer to her and moved the small hair strands that were covering her face, out of the way. I got closer to her ears and whispered,
"Well done princess, u're such a good girl"
Then I softly kissed her neck knowing I'm still in control of her.

*Cha-yong POV*
I slowly opened my eyes and saw Yujin in front of me moving the little strands of hair I had on my face. She got closer to my ear and whispered,
"Well done princess, u're such a good girl"
Then I felt a burning sensation rushing through me when I felt her lips softly touch my skin. My adrenaline raced up to 100 when her warm hands wrapped around my bare waist. I dropped all my books to the ground without even realizing and my hands slowly moved up to her neck and I started making out with her uncontrollably. I felt her hands slowly move down to my ass slowly gripping it earning a small moan from me. She knew she had complete control over me and my body so she used that to her advantage. Ugh I hate her for that..

*Yujin POV*
I smiled to myself knowing my kiss made her weak. I got surprised when she dropped all her books and wrapped her arms around my neck. Then she made out with me roughly but I could still feel her soft, plump lips on mine. I smirked a little and I slowly move my hands down to her soft ass slowly gripping it making her moan inside of my mouth. Sh*t. I want to fuck her so bably but we are still in the school premises. But when she pulled away, I saw how red and swollen her lips were and holy sh*t, i licked my lips while biting my bottom lip slowly. She looked so f*cking sexy, I just wanted to do some 'things' to her but I knew I couldn't.

*Cha-yong POV*
I finally came to my senses and figured out what I was doing... I was making out with the biggest player ever known to man kind. I slowly pushed away trying to catch my breath but I saw her staring at my lips while also licking hers.
'What the hell is she thinking?' I said in my head. I cleared my throat and picked up my books from the floor, trying to defuse the already burning tension between us. She finally regained focus after a good 10 minutes of staring at my lips.
"O-oh urm sorry, I just thought u had something on ur, urm l-l-lips" she said kind of stuttering which kinda shocked me, cause it would mostly be the girls stuttering and screaming over Yujin like she was the last Louis Vuitton bag in stock.
"It's o-ok, urm I need to go though, I'll see you in school tomorrow, bye" I said kinda quickly and ran out of there. But wait, what is this feeling, I feel... Happy...? No, no, no way. I despise love and most importantly I would never fall in love with such a player like her. No f*cking way.

*Yujin POV*
I don't know why the f*ck I was stuttering when I said that. She's supposed to stutter, not me. What's happening to me? I always kiss girls but I've never reacted this way to any of them. What is she doing to me? Am I... Falling in love...? No, no, no way. My number one rule is to never fall in love with any on the girls I sleep with. Love is gross. Love is useless. I'm never falling in love with anyone.
"Get your head straight Yujin, " I whispered to myself,
"You don't like her, she's just another one of your prey."
"She's nothing to you..."
"Absolutely nothing... "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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