Chapeter 3: Class

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*Cha-yong POV*
I almost fell asleep in English cause it was sooo f*cking boring. I was staring on the wall not really focusing on what was happening around me, but then the door swung open revealing the tall, dark figure standing in the doorway. I was too lost in her beautiful eyes but I could figure out who it was.

*Yujin POV*
I wasn't really prepared for class but I still wanted to go just to flirt with all the sexy girls there. When I got to the door I busted it open earning the stares of everyone in the room. I can't lie the teacher looked kinda pissed but she couldn't say anything cause I practically own this school and if she were to say something, she would be fired. I entered the classroom with slow steps winking at both the teacher and the girls in the front row seat of the class. When I looked up a few more desks, then I saw the girl that bumped into me on the way to class hiding her face behind an upside down english book, I chuckled to myself.
"She's so cute." I said under me breath.
I smirked and winked at her. I got closer to her desk and pulled her book down then whispered in her ear.
"Meet me behind the school at the end of the day, I'll be waiting for you... Princess"

*Cha-yong POV*
"Oh... My... F*cking... Gosh" I whispered under my breath and hid my face under my book hoping she won't see me or recognize me from earlier. I slowly peeped up from behind my book and saw her smirking then winking at me. I got so embarrassed and I hid my blushing face behind my english book. I heard footsteps coming closer then it got silent. I felt my book moving down and I was face to face with... Her. I felt my breath got hitched when she got closer to my ear. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for what she was going to do to me.
"Meet me behind the school at the end of the day, I'll be waiting for you... Princess"
I slowly opened my eyes to see her walking up to her desk and I gasped a little just realizing what she just said. I turned back to the front and saw everyone facing me, mostly with jealousy that the hottest girl in school just talked to me... Out of all people... Me... Hwang Cha-yong. Then I looked back at her just see her sucking on a lollipop while flirting with the girl in front of her. I sighed knowing she'll never change.
"Hhh... Kim Yujin, when will you ever change...?"

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