25: One Last Time

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Seungcheol's eyes were bloodshot from crying as he knelt before Seonghwa. His voice trembled with despair. "Can't I just see her one last time? Please, Mr. Park, let me see Aerin before you bury her."

Seonghwa's expression remained cold and unmoving. Despite the obvious emotional turmoil in front of him, he was resolute. "No, you can't. That's your punishment, Choi Seungcheol."

Seungcheol's face contorted in pain. "I know I shouldn't have treated her like that. I didn't realize how much she loved me, that she would take a bullet for me. I'll never forgive myself for this. I'm sorry—to both of you."

Seonghwa's face hardened. "You should be sorry. She sacrificed everything for you, and all you did was abuse and mistreat her."

He knelt down to Seungcheol's level, his eyes piercing. "Your so-called fiancée was having an affair with your best friend for a long time." Seonghwa handed Seungcheol a stack of photographs—images of Joshua and Jeonghan kissing. Seungcheol's face went pale as he took in the betrayal before him.

"Han and Shua? My closest people?" Seungcheol's voice was barely a whisper, shock evident in his eyes.

Seonghwa's lips curled into a bitter smile. "Your perfect life, your dream love, your career—it was all an illusion. You ran after a love that never truly existed, while ignoring those who genuinely cared for you. You always chose those who used you, never seeing the love that was right in front of you."

Seungcheol's tears flowed freely. The truth stung deeply. All his life, he had sought love and approval, yet he failed to recognize it when it was given to him. His mother's rejection, his foster father's indifference, Jeonghan's betrayal—everything had pointed to a deep-seated issue with recognizing true affection. Aerin's unconditional love and sacrifice were stark reminders of what he had lost.

"I love you, Nicole," Seungcheol choked out between sobs. His grief was raw and unfiltered.

Seonghwa's expression softened slightly. "You may visit her grave whenever you wish. I believe you've suffered enough for now."

"Thank you, Mr. Park," Seungcheol said, his voice breaking.

Seonghwa looked at him with a mixture of pity and challenge. "The real question is, if you meet Aerin in your next life, will you choose her this time?"

Seungcheol looked up at Seonghwa, his heart heavy with the weight of his past mistakes and the haunting question about his future.


Ruby's voice quivered as she scrambled backwards, her eyes wide with terror. "Please, don't kill me. I beg you! I want to live!"

The woman before her, her face obscured by shadows, moved slowly, her heels clicking ominously with each step. Her voice was cold and taunting. "Live for what, Ruby? Your boyfriend abandoned you. You have nothing now."

"He didn't abandon me! He loves me!" Ruby's plea was desperate, but the woman's laughter was harsh and mocking.

"You're nothing but a cheap imitation of Aerin Nicole Park. You think you can live with someone else's identity? No matter what you do, you will never be her. Not even Keeho, nor anyone else, will ever love you like they loved Aerin."

"No, don't say that!" Ruby covered her ears, her tears streaming down her face.

The woman continued, her voice slicing through Ruby's despair. "You have no reason to live. You are a vessel with someone else's soul, but you will never be her. You need to die before she claims you, Ruby."

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