Chapter 6

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A/N: Really soory about the wait. I've been busy peoples.

*Nicos POV*

Maybe it was a good thing I caught her since I was looking for her anyways.

But the way she looked at me was just dazzling.

The way her gorgeous e/c just bring out the features of her face. Her beautiful lips that would just taste-

"You can let me go now. Hello?" suddenly she was snapping her fingers in my face.

"Anyone in there?" she said, sarcasm like venom in her voice.

"Oh, um, sorry about that. Just kind of lost in thought..." I said as I brought her up in standing position and felt heat rise to my face.

She giggled and said "thanks for, erm, catching me Nico".

"No problem (nickname)." I said in reply

"(Nickname)?" she said quizzically.

" Just came to my mind" I said in reply.

"Well anyways"she said "whats brings you here?"

"Actually I was looking for you. The crew invited me over for a truth or dare game at the Poseidon cabin and I was wondering if you wanted to come, to make up for accidentally forgetting to get you to your cabin." I said.

*Your POV*

Oh no.

Practically everyone except Nico hated me here, and I didn't want to ruin their game.

But I also didn't want to say no to Nico.

I found myself saying "sure" to him and felt the urge of fear rise up in my chest.

Gods, why am I so scared?

"Hey, you ok?" Nico asked me.

"Yeah, just fine" I said as casually as I could.

He seemed to buy it and didn't press further as we made our way the the Poseidon cabin. Nico knocked on the door and none other than Percy Jackson opened the door. I knew all the names of the seven from whispers I've heard around camp.

He put on a fake smile that could fool anyone but me when he saw me next to Nico.

"Welcome guys" Percy said with an edge in his voice as he motioned for us to come in.

When we walked in I saw that everyone was in a circle on the floor with some room left for Nico and I to sit.

Once we sat down I was in between Nico and Leo Valdez who seemed to scoot away from me a bit when I sat down.

When everyone was seated Leo announced "Alright everyone, welcome to truth or dare! I am your host, the bad boy supreme, Leo Valdez!"

"Leo, this isn't a game show" Piper Mclean cut in.

"Fine" Leo mumbled "Since I am the baddest hear, I'll start the game."

This was going to be interesting

"Percy, truth or dare?"


"Who was your first crush ever?"

Annabeth Chase, Who I think we all know is Percys girlfriend, raised her eyebrow at Percy.

Percys face turned red.

"Um, It was this girl named Grace when I was 4" Percy said, and Annabeth seemed to understand that he was 4 at the time.

"Ok, Piper, Truth or dare?"

A while later there was Annabeth and Piper hand cuffed together, Percy covered in glitter, Jason with sharpie eye shadow and sharpie lipstick, Frank wearing Jasons glasses, Hazel in a tutu, and all that remained undared were Leo, Nico, and I.

It was Hazels turn to give someone a truth or dare and she picked Nico.

"Dare" he said in reply.

"I dare you to try to take your aviator jacket off with out using your hands and without moving your arms" Hazel dared him.

It was hilarious to see him try to take his jacket off without moving his arms as he rolled around the floor trying to grab his sleeve with his teeth.

"Ok ok! I think you've tried enough!" Hazel said in between laughter. The whole cabin was erupting with laughter from Nicos attempt. when he sat back upright he was blushing furiously.

"Leo, truth or dare?" Nico asked Leo.

"Dare" he said with fake bravery. Leo still seemed a bit pale and afraid to be sitting next to me.

"Hmmm, I dare you to..... let me ducktape you to Y/n and stay that way for the rest of the game"

Wait, WHAT.

Suddenly Leo had his hair on fire and yelled " I WILL NOT TOUCH A SPAWN OF THAT DEMON!"

As he said that he ran out the door of the cabin and I felt myself breaking into a million pieces.

Of course. This is why I had a bad feeling about this from the start.

"I think I should go" I said quietly as I got up and left. Once i had stepped out the door I went in a full out sprint to Zeus knows where. I just wanted to run away from here. Why couldn't I be somewhere where people wouldn't judge me on my parents.

As I was running I started to slowly cry, letting the tears I was trying to hold in slowly stream down my face.

I found myself back at the shore of the beach. Slowly I Put my foot on top of the water as about a 3 foot wide of ice spread in front of me and expanded outwards to the other side of the lake which was covered with thick forest. The closer I got to the forest the more I sobbed.

I finally ran to the forest and I stopped. I was panting, sweaty, and just a mess, but I had to let it out. When I looked back the ice bridge I had made was gone and there were a few people on the other side calling my name. Probably out of pity.

I stood against a tree as the air around me grew cold and the vegetation around me became covered in frost. I burried my hands in my face and kept sobbing as the things around me that were frosted turned to ice.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

The same cold yet strong arms that caught me before I fell.

A/N: Really sorry for the wait. I've been having an eye twitch and it flares up when im on the computer or my iPad. And also sorry if this chap sucked I was rushing and ill try to get another chapter as soon as i can!

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