Chapter 9

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All heads snapped towards me and I found myself walking closer to the circle of campers and soon I was in the front row with everyone backed a few feet away from me.

I was studying the scene carefully as my mind was racing.

"Hmmm, lets see, in the dream I was running... running to walking, add sleep, sleep walking! I must have been sleep walking! That must be how I got to the woods! Or sleep running, one of the two." I thought to myself.

"Ok, in the dream I was pinned to the ground. Maybe the harpy saw me out of the cabins past curfew and tried to attack me, and managed to actually hurt me without waking me up. It does look like the thing is towering over someone. Or me. And that explains why I woke up with bruises."

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Chiron trotting over untill he placed a hand on my shoulder and said "lets talk about this at the big house, shall we?" he said frowning. It wasn't a I'm-very-disappointed-with-you frown but a I'm-thinking-very-hard-about-the-situation-at-hand frown.

The conch horn sounded signaling breakfast and since Chiron noticed that most of the campers were still huddled around the harpy, he said "alright, everyone to the mess hall for breakfast" and everyone quickly dispersed.

We headed over to the big house, and when we entered, Chiron motioned for me to sit at a seat around a ping pong table, and he sat across from me.

"Miss Y/n, could you please explain that little scene we witnessed just a moment ago?" he asked, and to be honest I would've been great if he said it with a sassy tone.
But any who, I told him everything.

I told him about the dream, about how I thought I was sleep walking, about the invisible force, about the voice.

As I was explaining his expressions changed from shock, to curiosity, to fear, and finally to worry.

"Y/n, never before have we had a camper with dreams that had such an influence on there being as you. I fear that your dreams will continue to be this way, and there is the chance that these dreams could lead you to actual danger, and not a lucky coincidence like with the harpy." Chiron explained.

I nodded and said "but what can I do to stop myself?"

"Well, you could lock the cabin door, but if these dreams get any worse, you might have to be tied to your bed" Chiron said with all seriousness in his voice.

"Um, ok..." I replied.

"Now you should go eat breakfast, you must be famished" the centaur exclaimed.

As if in response, my stomach growled signaling that indeed i was hungry, yet I just realized it.

*Time skip*

When I walked to the mess hall, I got even more stares than before and even a few scowls, but none the less I ignored them.

I went to go sit down in my usual seat at the Zeus table just to find it was taken by a certain roman named Jason.

Instead of sitting in front of him at the front of the table, I sat at the farthest possible seat away from all the campers and Jason.

When he noticed me sit down farther away, he did really make an attempt to get closer and/or be my friend.

Oh whale, not my fault he doesn't see my swaggalishiousness.(a/n: I would've said fobulousness but u know not everyone likes fob sadly)

*After breakfast to training in the arena*

Today the Zeus cabin would be training with the Poseidon and Hades cabin, which meant Jason, Percy, Nico, and I would all be training together. I, still being a little noob, didn't have a weapon yet, but I had a sneaking suspicion that my mom watched over me a bit when I was a child. I fiddled with my bracelet I had on my wrist, I usually never took it off unless I'm scared I might lose it, in which case I'd usually put it in something like a backpack. I noticed how Percy had a sword shifting pen (a/n: if that made sense, but I think u get the point), and Jason had a sword shifting gold coin. I took the bracelet off and carefully examined it, feeling silly for thinking my bracelet could transform into a weapon. After carefully looking it over, I saw that the little snowflake charm had a very small and easily press-able button. Without thinking, I pushed the button and the weirdest thing happened. My wish actually came true.

An amazing sword built itself in my hands. With a beautiful bronze and white leather hilt, carved magnificently. But I saw that my sword was waaaaaaaay different from the basic celestial bronze and imperial gold, and even Stygian iron. My sword was made of ice. Gorgeous ice with a pretty blueish color. It gave off cold, which would help to cool me off in a heated battle. I looked around to see Percy, Jason, and Nico staring in awe.

"Wow, Y/n! That's an amazing sword!" Nico said smiling in astonishment.

"Thanks" I replied cheerily. "Now teach me how to use it" I said holding it up in a fake battle position.

And so training begun.


I'm not even gonna try and apologize to you guys because you're all probably livid. I'm realllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry and frankly I don't have a proper excuse so I really don't blame u if ur mad at me


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