Chapter Two

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Laura narrates: "Four months pass as harvest season begins. Pa's wheat crop was growing as fast as I was inside of Ma's womb. Pa was so happy to see his first successful crop flourishing."

Charles is out in the field tending to the wheat when Caroline comes out to him. Charles looks up and sees her coming towards him and he stops what he's doing and goes over to her as he asks. "Hey, what are you doing all the way out here for?" "I just came to tell you that supper's ready." She says. He responds with. "Well, you should be taking it easy." She then explains to him. "Charles, the doctor said a little exercise wouldn't hurt, it will do me some good. And besides, I've never felt better. So, you can stop your fretting." He smiles as he responds. "Yes, ma'am."

He then puts his arm around her and looks out into the wheat field as he says. "Just look at it, Caroline." She looks out into the field. "Just look at it." She smiles and says. "It really is something." "And it's ours, all of it." He tells her. "We'll be living high off the hog in no time." She sighs. "Well." She turns to him and then says. "In the meantime, you can come and eat your supper before it gets cold." He chuckles as he responds. "Alright. I'll be down in a minute." He gives her a kiss and she heads back to the cabin.

Later that evening, Charles and Caroline are at the table with little Mary in her high chair. Charles and Caroline's heads are bowed and their hands are clasped together as Charles says a prayer over the meal. "Dear Lord, we thank you for the food that you have placed before us. We thank you for your blessings. We thank you for the rain that helped our new wheat crop. We also pray for the health of our unborn child. Lead us and guide us, O'Lord. May we be worthy. Amen." They then proceed to start eating supper as Charles says. "It looks good." He takes a bite of the stew and then tells Caroline. "I talked to Pa and he said the price of wheat has nearly doubled since last time which means we will be coming in with an even bigger pile of money by next Spring." "Oh, Charles, that's wonderful." She says. He nods. "Mm-hm, which means I can pay back the money I owe for the supplies and wheat seed. I can finally build you that house we've been talking about. Glass window panes, hardwood floors, separate rooms for us, Mary and the baby, your own kitchen. New dresses for you and Mary.." Caroline giggles. "Charles." He looks at her and says. "What?" She then tells him. "Don't you think you're asking for a bit too much?" "Well, no." He replies. "I want to shoot for the moon. I want you to have what you deserve and that's a house fit for a queen such as yourself." She blushes and shakes her head as he then tells her. "You're gonna love it, you wait and see."

He winks at her and Caroline then tells him. "Well, anyway, I wanted to tell you that while you were in town today, I got a letter from Hattie Simpson." "Who?" He asks. "Hattie Simpson." She says. "We went to school together, remember?" "Vaguely." He replies. Caroline then says. "Well, anyway, she invited us to our ten year reunion next week in Milwaukee." Charles gives a look of disbelief as he says. "Ten years? It's been that long already?" She nods. "Mm-hm. Do you want to go?" He gives an uneasy look as he responds. "Well, I don't know, Caroline." "Why not?" She asks. "It would be fun to see our old friends again." He then explains to her. "Well, it's just that I still got a ton of work to do out there with the wheat and all." She responds with. "Charles, that wheat will still be here when we get back. Your Pa can look after it while we're away. I'm sure he won't mind. Please?" Charles then says. "Well, Pa did mention about some kind of convention they have every year for farmers called The Grange. It's supposed to be held in Milwaukee this year." She gives a hopeful smile and says to him. "Well, see? Now, that's a reason to go. So, do you?" Charles looks at her as he tells her. "I'll think about it, alright?" He smirks at her and she smirks back as she responds "Alright." They then get back to eating their supper.

Laura narrates: "A few days later, Pa's dreams were shattered once again when a plague of grasshoppers had destroyed his wheat crop. Pa was devastated. I had always known my Pa to be so strong, but there were moments where he would let his guard down completely and be absolutely vulnerable. It was also the first time Ma had seen Pa shut himself off from those around him, including Ma."

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