Chapter Three

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Charles and Caroline arrive at the hotel. They come up to the desk clerk who says to them. "Yes, how may I help you?" Caroline then tells him. "We have a reservation for Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls. It was booked a few days ago." He looks through a set of cards and says. "Ah, yes, here we are, Ingalls. If you would just sign the register here please, sir." Charles signs his name on the register. The desk clerk then hits the bell near him for the bellhop. "Front." Charles says to Caroline. "Our folks sure picked a fancy place, didn't they?" Caroline doesn't answer as he then notices the queasy look on her face and says to her as his expression turns to concern. "Hey, are you alright?" She nods. "Yes. I guess I'm just not used to the movement of the train. I think it made me a little seasick." "Oh." He then suggests. "Well, maybe once we get to our room, you can lie down for a little while, that might help." She gives a small smile as she nods.

The bellhop comes up to the desk clerk who hands him a key and says to him. "Would you please take Mr. And Mrs. Ingalls to their room? Room 105." The bellhop takes the key and then takes their bags. Charles takes Caroline's hand and they follow the bellhop to the stairs. Charles stops and says. "Uh, hold on a minute, I thought our room was on the first floor?" "It is, sir." The bellhop says. Charles then asks him. "Then, why are we taking the stairs? You see, my wife's pregnant and she really shouldn't be climbing a bunch of stairs." Caroline looks at him and says. "Charles, climbing a few stairs isn't going to hurt me." "It doesn't look like just a few stairs, Caroline." He then looks at the bellhop and asks him. "Look, isn't there another way to our room?" "I'm afraid not, sir." He says. Charles looks at Caroline who says to him. "Charles, come on. You can't exactly carry me up the stairs, now can you?" He looks up at the stairs and back at her and says to her. "Alright. But take it slow." She then remarks. "I don't want to take it slow, Charles. I want to get to our room." "Come on." He says and holds onto Caroline as he helps her up the stairs to their room.

Charles and Caroline enter their room and the bellhop brings their bags in. "Here you are, sir." He puts their bags down and then says to him. "Enjoy your stay with us." "Thanks very much." Charles says and then closes the door behind him. Caroline then says to him.  "Now, you see, Charles? It wasn't any trouble for me at all. I'm hardly winded." He walks over to her and says. "Hey, I just want to make sure you're taking it easy as much as possible." She responds with. "Charles, we didn't come here to worry about me." She takes his hands and then says to him. "We came here because we needed this trip." She places her hands on his arms. "So, I will not have you fretting over me, alright?" He smiles as he responds. "Alright." She gives him a kiss and then takes a look around and says. "This is a nice room." "That it is." He says. "I hate to think how much it cost them." He chuckles softly. Caroline then tells him. "I'm sure it doesn't matter to them as long as it makes us happy." "You're probably right." He says. She then asks him. "So, what do you want to do first?" Charles gives a contemplative look as he says. "Well.." Caroline jumps in and says. "How about we go get supper, I'm starving." Charles looks at her in disbelief and says. "Starving? You just said how sick you were from the train ride not five minutes ago." "Well, now I'm hungry." She goes to unpack her bag and then tells him. "I just have to freshen up a bit." Charles shakes his head and says to her. "Caroline, I just don't understand you." She nods. "Mm-hm." She then comes up to him and gives him a kiss and tells him. "I'll be ready in a minute." Charles stands there dumbfounded and sighs with his hands on his hips and says to himself. "I'll never understand that woman."

The next day on the evening of the reunion, Charles and Caroline are getting ready in their hotel room. Charles is in front of the mirror tying his string tie while Caroline is trying to tie her dress in the back. She turns to Charles and asks. "Charles, could you help me with this?" He turns around and replies. "Sure, darling." He goes over to her and ties the back of her dress. She then winces a little and he looks over at her and asks. "Is that too tight?" She nods. "A little." He loosens it and says. "Oh, sorry. You know, this one might be a little too tight for you, maybe you oughta wear your other one, you'd have a lot more room." She sighs. "I know. I was hoping to be able to wear this one, but I guess it just isn't so. I just wanted to look my best for tonight." Charles responds with. "Well, I don't think it's gonna make any difference, you're still gonna be the prettiest one there." She blushes. "Charles." There is a knock at the door. Charles goes to answer it to see a bellhop at the door who tells him. "This was sent for you, sir." He hands him a bottle of champagne with a note attached. "Oh, thank you." Charles says and the bellhop leaves as he closes the door. Caroline looks over at him and asks. "Who was it, Charles?" He walks over to her as he tells her. "Someone sent this up for us." He shows her the bottle of champagne. "Oh, who's it from?" She asks. "I don't know, they left a note here." He replies and Caroline takes the note off and reads it. A big smile spreads across her face as she says. "Oh, it's from Hattie. She just wanted to say how she's looking forward to seeing us again and she can't wait to find out what we've been up to all these years." Charles looks at the bottle of champagne in his hand and asks. "What are we supposed to do with this? You certainly can't drink it, and I don't even like this stuff." He sets it down on the table as she answers. "Well, it was just a nice gesture of hers. She couldn't have known about my condition." Charles then remarks. "Well, I'm sure she'll figure it out once she sees you." He gives a soft chuckle. She smirks at him and responds.  "Very funny. I wonder who else will be there?" "I don't know." He says. "I do know who I don't want to see. Harold Watson." She looks at him and says. "Charles, it's been a long while since that incident. I doubt he'll even remember it." He then tells her. "I just know if we do see him, he better not pull anything tonight. I just might give him a good thrashing like his father gave me." She then says to him in a firm voice. "Charles Ingalls. You will be on your best behavior tonight and conduct yourself like a proper gentleman. Besides, I doubt Harold would even want to dance with me anyway in my condition. In fact, I doubt anyone will." She looks down. Charles walks over to her and says. "Well, that's where you're wrong." He turns her around to face him. "There is someone who will want to dance with you." He takes her hand and kisses it. She smiles and says. "Present company not included. But of course I'll dance with you." He smiles. She then tells him. "Well, I guess I better get changed now so we won't be late." "Alright." He says.

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