Thank you

3.1K 108 50

Hello it's me author Kaela 💗

Finally POSSESSION UNEXPECTED Heesunsun fiction has came to an end.

I want to thank every each of my readers for showing interest and supports throughout the entire Journey.

Honestly I was about to go hiatus around chp 25 due to my lack of  free time but since all of you gave really great interest and comments every chapters, it encourage me to continue writing.
And and I'm so grateful for it💗

But still, there were many places in this fic that I'm not satisfied.
I wanted to give the complete plots for every characters without leaking but many things were cut out from my initial ideas
since I couldn't give proper Time into it.

And I was really worry for my readers that it might be uncomfortable to read some lines or wrong usage of words ,and grammatical errors.

That's why thank you so much for enduring my numb writings. 🙇

I Know this fic is lacking at specifc places but thank you so much for the supports and all because of my dear readers, it went farther than my expectation which got to 42k and 3.2K votes, higher ratio than I expected🙆
and thank you so much again

I love you all , I will come back with more Sunsun & heesun fics in the future, u can follow me for further updates

And about the ending, trust me it  was actually the least tragic one I chose considering some requests.

Please don't put black magic on me 😗

Please don't put black magic on me 😗

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