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Bull. Fucking. Shit.

That's how your week was going. First starting off with you getting fired from your job as a barista for accidentally spilling scalding coffee onto a middle aged woman who was being quite rude to other customers... but your acting skills are bad and everyone could tell it wasn't an accident when you grabbed the cup and splashed it directly onto the woman.

But that was only at one of the jobs you worked! Your second job as a cashier was just a tiny bit better than your situation at your ex job. This job was just draining your soul and you were close to quitting this job to get more hours at the coffee shop... guess you're gonna have to work more hours at the convenience store.

At least you were no longer juggling two jobs while also being a college student... but that just means less money to pay for the things you need. Now that you're only working one minimum wage job you decided you'd just need to find another!

Today was a Friday and you had just finished your shift at the convenience store, it was 9:15 PM and you were currently walking home, alone. If you happened to get kidnapped that honestly would be the least worst thing that has happened to you this week. It really couldn't get any worse than this!

The sound of a car driving quickly by you caught your attention and you looked up just in time to get splashed by the wheels going through a huge puddle on the road. It did get worse.

Now soaking wet you continued to your apartment, walking past one of your neighbors who just gave you a look of sympathy that made an unidentifiable emotion curl in your gut. You didn't need sympathy nor did you want it from them. They were the type of neighbor that yelled at you for problems you couldn't control.

You smiled at them briefly before rolling your eyes when you were past their line of sight. You just wanted to be in your soft, cozy bed after a nice long shower.

You pull out your keys just before you arrive at your door, but when you look down you find a flat, slim box. No label on it, no return address, not even one of those stickers that are on shipping boxes.

Maybe this was a nice package from a stalker or some creep, that would be the cherry on top for how shitty this week has been.

You pick up the package and the feeling of dry cardboard against your damp hands sent a shiver down your back. You quickly unlocked your door so you could set down the package and get yourself dry.


After having a nice shower and feeling a little better you come out of the bathroom in just your underwear, not caring to get fully dressed seeing as wearing just underwear was more comfy.

Sensory issues am I right?

You go into your small and cluttered kitchen to make a quick dinner, maybe you could make one of those one-pot pasta dishes you always see on your for you page on tiktok.

After getting a box of pasta from your pantry you turn to set it down next to the stovetop but the box you had brought in earlier catches your eye again.

Why not open it? Your curiosity was getting to you already, and it might just be something from a family member or classmate. None of the people from either of those options exactly liked you but they might be trying to make amends with you!

I'll probably be able to tell who the sender is once I see whats inside the package.

You pick up the box, lifting it up and down feeling theweight of whatever object was inside of it, it didn't seem to be rattling so it must be packed in tightly. Must be something thats fragile.

You grab a pair of scissors that were left lying on the counter and skillfully cut open the tape, the scissors blades gliding through the tape with ease. Nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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