Chapter Twelve

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My breath hitches as Jade begins her walk down the aisle, and I find myself utterly entranced. The world around us seems to dissolve into a haze of soft colors and distant murmurs, leaving only the radiant figure of Jade making her way toward me. She appears as a goddess descending from the heavens. She moves with an elegance that feels almost ethereal, her gown cascading behind her like a shimmering veil of light. Each step she takes is deliberate and graceful, and I can't help but be spellbound by her beauty.
As her eyes lock with mine, a small, knowing smile spreads across her lips, and my stupid heart races at the sight. I feel an overwhelming surge of nervousness and awe. I feel things I should not be for a fake wife but I cannot help myself. Getting to know Jade these past few weeks has been a treasure. She is beautiful, determined, caring, and sexy as fuck.
Jade reaches the end of the aisle, and we turn together to face the officiant. "You may all be seated," he announces, his voice resonating gently across the intimate gathering. We've kept our wedding small and personal—just close family and friends. My side of the aisle holds my parents, my younger brother Liam, and a few cherished cousins, uncles, and aunts—totaling about twenty-five people. Jade's side mirrors ours, creating a cozy and heartfelt assembly.
"Are you okay?" I whisper to Jade, my voice carrying concern. Her eyes, filled with uncertainty meet mine. "I'll be better after we get this over with," she replies softly. I nod understandingly.
The officiant begins, his tone warm and ceremonial. "Do you, Theodore Choi, take this woman, Jade Jackson, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do," I respond. Jade squeezes my hand reassuringly and I, hers. "And do you, Jade Jackson, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asks, turning to her with an expectant gaze.
"I do," she answers.
With our rings exchanged, the officiant declares, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
As I lean in to kiss Jade, what was meant to be a simple, tender peck quickly transforms into something far more intense. The moment our lips touch, a jolt of electricity courses through me. Every ounce of my being is consumed by the desire to deepen this kiss, to savor every precious second. I cradle the back of her head, pulling her closer as our kiss becomes fervent and passionate.
To my utter delight and surprise, Jade responds with equal fervor, her kiss just as enthusiastic and passionate. We are swept away in a sea of emotion, our lips moving together in a dance that feels both exhilarating and profoundly intimate. The cheers and applause from our families fade into the background, distant echoes compared to the fireworks of love igniting between us.
Reluctantly, I pull back, my heart pounding and my lungs desperate for air. My mouth longs to kiss her again. Jade gazes up at me with a dazed expression, and I can't help but smile as I see her lips curl into a blissful grin.
"Congratulations!" Jade's mom exclaims, rushing over with uncontainable joy. Her eyes are brimming with tears of happiness as she envelops us in a heartfelt embrace.
"Thank you, Ma," Jade says warmly, gently patting her mother's back. "You wanna step away for a sec? Take a breather?" she asks, her voice a mixture of relief and contentment.
I nod in agreement, "Definitely."
Before we can escape, Maylene intercepts us with an exaggerated look of exasperation. "Y'all can't leave yet! You have to do your first dance as newlyweds, followed by the father-daughter dance and the mother-son dance. Hello? You act like you've never been to a wedding," she chides, rolling her eyes playfully.
I glance down at Jade, trying to stifle a grin as I see the corner of her eye twitch with irritation. "Get on my nerves," she mutters under her breath as the music starts playing.
"Come on, Mrs. Choi," I say with a teasing grin, taking her hand and guiding her toward the makeshift dance floor. We move together, our first dance as a married couple unfolding with a blend of grace and affection. We complete the traditional dances—the father-daughter dance and the mother-son dance—with a sense of joy and celebration.
As the DJ calls for all the guests to join the dance floor, I slip my arm around Jade's waist and guide her to the door. "Ready to take that breather?" I ask, my voice soft and inviting.
Jade nods eagerly, a look of relief crossing her face. We walk inside together, leaving the lively festivities behind. As we find a quiet corner, I glance over at her, feeling a deep sense of contentment and love. This day, this moment, has been everything I could have hoped for and more. With Jade by my side, I know our journey together is just beginning, and it promises to be filled with countless more beautiful moments.

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