37) Studio Recording

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It has been a couple of weeks since the whole sleeping at the New Jeans dorm incident, and life has been going alright.

You have worked a lot on your music, with your song getting high praise from the CEO and staff. All you had to do was record the vocals, and you had a couple of songs ready for NewJean's new album.

The ADOR life has been treating you well, and everyone is being kind. It's unbelievable to think that just a few months ago, you were at your lowest of lows, and now you are thriving with a new career.

You're even getting close to someone you thought you had lost forever. Your old best friend/ ex Hanni...

It was nice to see and interact with Hanni again. However, that also came a reunion with another of one of your old friends, Minji, and her relentless teasing had become a daily occurrence at work.

Minji was like a mischievous matchmaker, constantly nudging you, giving you sly glances, and trying to set you up for moments with Hanni whenever she could.

However, even with all the teasing, you and Hanni tried your best to maintain a professional atmosphere at work.

Hanni seemed equally determined to keep things strictly business, and you respected her decision. After all, you both had careers to focus on.

As much as you appreciated Minji's well-intentioned efforts, you couldn't help but feel a bit conflicted.

You were still on the fence about your feelings for Hanni. The memories of your time together were sweet, and the recent incidents had been adorable, but did you truly have romantic feelings for her still? Or was it just your heart pulling on old strings?

Did she even feel the same way?

These questions weighed on your mind as you navigated your days around ADOR.

Today would be the day for the NewJeans members to record their lines for the latest song you wrote.

As the clock struck the designated recording time, the NewJeans members walked into your studio, each greeting you with a polite nod or a warm smile. As the girls settled in, you couldn't help but be awestruck by Hanni's beauty...

She was always so cute it baffled you...

With her dark, long hair flowing down and the soft light reflecting off her cute face, she was truly beautiful. You stared a bit, but you then snapped out of it as you had a song to record.

You quickly refocused on the task at hand as the recording session began. Each member took their turn to sing their lines, and you were genuinely impressed with their talent and dedication.

Despite the teasing and awkwardness from the members, you couldn't deny the incredible vocal abilities of the NewJeans members. Each of them are amazing in their own right.

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