45) Fake Smile

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Hanni POV

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Hanni POV

After a long day of practice, you sat in the corner of the dance room, thinking about a special someone...

As you looked up to the dim lights of the studio, you couldn't escape the persistent thoughts of Y/N that swirled through your mind.

He had been through your mind constantly, and you always think about when he confessed to you, and, sadly, how you turned him down.

You had always felt a sense of regret every time you saw him, and the pain was amplified after seeing Chaewon with him at the ADOR building and the whole Aquarium date they had.

As you begin to pack up your things and get ready to head out, you think about how you really wanted to talk to Y/N and sort out this whole awkward wall between the two of you.

You just wanted everything to return to normal, where the two of you were inseparable. You made so many mistakes... And you didn't want to lose him...

As you try to think of what to do to fix our broken relationship, you walk over to the exit of the ADOR building. But you were walking, you see someone who brings jealousy and heartbreak every time you see her.

 But you were walking, you see someone who brings jealousy and heartbreak every time you see her

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Kim Chaewon...

As you looked at her, you assumed that Chaewon was waiting for Y/N. She has been constantly seen at the ADOR building, and everyone talks about "how Y/N is seeing someone because a girl always comes to wait for him."

You seeing her fanned the flames of your jealousy. You can feel your blood boil and your mood switch up.

You watched her from a distance, her eyes eventually locking onto yours, as if sensing the death stares you were shooting her. At that moment, she raised a hand in greeting, and you had no choice but to put on a façade, masking your inner turmoil with a forced smile.

Summoning every ounce of composure, you walked over to Chaewon, determined to maintain a polite front despite the turbulent storm of jealousy swirling within you. You had to be fake...

Hanni: "Hey Chaewon! I don't think we met but I'm Hanni from Newjeans," you greeted with a smile that hid your inner turmoil, like a mask concealing your genuine emotions.

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