Chapter 19: Edward Fucks Authority

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"Who the heck were those guys?" Desmond was sick and tired of people never telling him what was going on. 

"Those guys," Ezio's doppelgänger said, "are people you should never fuck with. But you just did."

"I was just looking at the old library-" Desmond couldn't even finish his sentence before the Ezio doppelgänger interrupted him with a finger to his lips. 

"You WHAT-" He started before his tattooed companion ripped a piece of duct tape and slapped it over the other man's mouth.

"Knock it off, Gio. The lad's seventeen, he's allowed to explore." 

"And get himself killed? YOU LITTLE MOTHERFU-" Giovanni was screaming before the other guy, Edward (at least he remembered that much), slapped the tape on his mouth. 


"Put a sock in it! God, Gio..." Edward lamented and rolled his blue eyes to heaven. "So what he's trying to say is that as a figure of authority, he believes you should not have gone into the old library. Whereas I, a figure of equal authority, contradict that statement and believe you should learn our ways, within reason."

Desmond thanked whatever gods were out there that Edward had the audacity to tell Gio to shut up. 

An awkward silence ensued, like the type that happens in old western movies, where the tumbleweed rolls across the screen. This was awkwardly broken by Desmond.

"So... I found a bunch of shit in the library about the Templar Ord-"

Giovanni had proceeded to rip off the tape. "WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THEM, BOY, NOT WHEN YOU ARE NOT ONE OF US." Edward sighed and tied Giovanni's hands to the cyclic, placing a new piece of tape over the other man's mouth. 

"As I say, FUCK authority if it doesn't give you anything in return." Edward flashed a crooked smile and Desmond felt instantly at ease.

Pushing the cyclic forward, Edward gestured for everyone to put on headsets. Desmond had never seen an adult look so pissed as Giovanni was forced to listen yet couldn't object. It was strangely pleasing, and Edward relished in this the entire way home.



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