Chapter 3 // Oasis Cave

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The day finally began. As the sun rose and its light pierced through the window of the recruit room, Ruby woke up and let out a yawn. Excited for another day, she rushed over to Oddie's bed and began to shake his body vigorously.

"Oddie! Wake up!" Ruby called. "It's the start of a new day!"

Oddie groaned as he got up, rubbing his eyes. "Yes... It is, indeed, a new day... that's nice..." Oddie mumbled, letting out a yawn. Just then, the door swung open, and there was the guild's leader, Minerva.

"UP AND AT 'EM!!" She yelled. "IT'S MORNING!!!" And with a loud slam of the door, Oddie jolted up, landing on the ground dazed.

"Wha- whuh- what was that?" Oddie asked, darting his eyes around the room.

"That-" Shade interjected, walking over. "-was your wake-up call."

"A bit of a rude awakening, don't you think?" Oddie groaned, scratching the back of his head.

"She does this to every team member in the mornings. You'll get used to it." Shade explained.

"How would you know that?" Ruby asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Ah... I've heard it myself before. I've stayed here for a few days now."

"An alarm clock would have been nice..." Oddie kept sulking, wanting to return to his dreams.

"Come on, come on!" Ruby chortled as she grabbed Oddie by the arm and dragged him out of bed, making a loud 'THUD' as he hit the ground. He did nothing, letting himself get dragged all the way to the main lobby. The lobby was crowded with many explorers, chatting to one another. Suddenly, a loud voice roared through the room.


The entire room fell dead silent.

"...Thank you." Minerva said, clearing her throat as the people in the lobby looked at her with their full attention.

"Aherm, so yesterday, we have had two new recruits join our fleet, and they are currently being trialed to see if they are worthy of joining us!" Minerva explained. "I hope you will give the two a nice, warm welcome."

The others stared at the two with mixed feelings. "Really? A Vulpix? And a Leafeon as well?!" One said.

"Yeah. Couldn't we have gotten some bigger, much stronger looking Pokémon, like a Blastoise or Emboar?" Another added. Ruby began to worry greatly, her vision being guided towards the floor. Oddie, after proving himself that he was capable, was annoyed by the distrust his peers had and the fact that he risked his life the day prior. He said nothing, but now the crowd was getting riled up. Rolling his eyes, he let out a sigh.

"Silence! I demand order around here!" Snapped Minerva. She turned her gaze to Oddie and Ruby, anxiously looking at each other.

"Midori! Camellia!, I would like to see you two shortly so I can hand your scarves out." Minerva said, directing the duo's attention over to her. "That's all for morning announcements, everyone, you're all dismissed. Get to work!"

As everyone scattered to the many boards mounted on the wall, Minerva walked down from her podium and gestured the two to her office. The Vulpix gulped, getting a feeling in her gut that something was about to go horribly wrong. The two entered Minerva's office and took a seat, sweat rolling down their faces.

"I'm not mad at all." Minerva began. "If anything, I'm overjoyed that you two decided to join the Blazing Legion."

"Really?" Oddie said. "How come you didn't say that before, then?"

"I'm sure that you two will do well on your trial. Just watch out for the bigger guys, though. There's this Skuntank we recruited a month back, he's a bit of... a handful." Minerva said nothing more and handed two scarves to the duo, a light blue one for Oddie, and a yellow one for Ruby, where they promptly put them on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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