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Y/n in this story has been a drummer for a year and a half and is 16. All she wants to do is meet Joey. It's been her dream for centuries. Also your dad is with you. D/n.

You entered the last studio of 11 in Des Moines, Iowa looking for your hero. He's said to work out of one of them. The last one you have to check is "Roadrunner." Low and behold you find him there. He was practicing. It's 11pm. What crazy man practices at 11pm?! Can you really blame him? He notices you in the other room, finishes his practice, and comes out to meet you.

"Hello, Joey."
"Hey, what's your name?"
"I'm y/n." You faint.
"Hello Joey. I'm d/n. She's wanted to meet you since she was 2."
"So, a fan?"
"You could say that."
You wake up and see your dad and Joey in the room as you're on the floor. You notice how your dress is laying and you quickly fix it. Your dad leaves the room after shaking Joey's hand. You sit down next to Joey.
"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
"Go ahead, y/n. I'll answer to the best of my abillity."
You blush beet red. "So what are your hobbies?"
"Music pretty much covers it 24/7 aside from video games, sleeping, and sex."
"So a big time musician, drummer for that matter, only does video games, sleeps, and has sex?"
"Yes, that's correct."
"You are crazy."
"What do you expect? I'm kinda basic."
"You're very hot for a basic guy."
"Thanks. I still don't understand, though. How did you find me?"
"You live in Des Moines, Iowa. Your life is music. Of course you're at a studio. There's only 11 studios in Des Moines. It's a process of trial and error."
"You wanted to find me that badly? Why?"
"You're my hero."
"And why's that?"
"You inspired me to start drumming. Your music got me through my toughest days. I try almost every day to play 'Eyeless,' but I can't ever get it right."
"How long have you been playing drums?"
"Like a year and a half."
"I've been doing this for 30 years."
"I know, but I want to be just like you. I want to be the drummer for Slipknot. I want to help Metallica when Lars is out!"
"That one was just by chance. Lars was ill and in a hospital in Germany."
"Download 2004. You were in your mask the whole time, but everything you went backstage and ask Clown, Jim, and Corey how you were doing. You were shitting bricks, man."
"How did you...."
"Taylor did an interview with someone, I forget, but he said that."
"Of course he did, but he's right. I was so scared but he said I was fucking killing it."
"What was it like to play with your heroes?"
"Scary, but also fulfilling. I'd wanted to play for Metallica since I was a kid. So 1981."
"I know you don't talk much about Slipknot anymore, but I'd like to know. What made the time worth it? Like what made the struggles you went through worth it?"
"Brotherhood, and the one thing I have in common with anyone who has ever bought a Slipknot record."
"So if you had to put in your inpit, why did Slipknot fire you?"
"They genuinely thought that I was on drugs. Which I profusely told them was wrong. I've never been on drugs other than drugs prescribed to me by doctors."
"I never believed the band's statement on your leaving."
"Not many maggots did. On my Twitter I got a lot of backlash. They were mad. For them, the band is part of their lives. For me, it was life. I considered them all brothers. I still do."
"I know, Joey. So do all of us maggots."
"Do you have anymore questions for me, y/n?"
"How about I ask you over dinner?"
"That sounds lovely."

Word count-676
I'm sorry it was bad. I'm not very used to just fluff. I'm a smut author, but I TRIED. Laylaackles criticize me pls. I need to improve, I know. If you guys want a part 2 to this lmk!
-Phoenix Jordison

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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