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The next seconds move in a flash. While Kali lay there beaten up with blood gushing over her body, eyes blank seemingly unable to feel the pain with no care about what is going on around her.

Her head went back to those dark times, how Izel left her, Cheated on her when she had done nothing but love her with everything she have. Those were the time she started questioning herself, questioning her worth.

Why did Izel do those things? She still don't know the reason. For a whole year, she tried so hard to forget, shoving everything at the back of her mind and acting like everything's fine when she's not.

She's beyond broken.

She wanted to know the reason of Izel's action but too scared to listen. Was it her fault? Should she just face all of it and stop running away? But would things change?

Are all the things Ronan said true? Is she being played?

Izel, You were my everything, How could you do those things? How could you take my heart and stomp on it, leaving me damaged beyond repair?

So many thoughts and questions, making loud noises inside Kali's mind.

But, In the midst of the turbulent inside Kali's head a voice echoes, Calling her name.

Kalliste, Wake up. It says.

If you don't you're going to die.

Wake up! Your best friend is worried about you.

I can see her crying,

Aelia too.

Wake up.

Block all those thoughts running inside your head and stand up.

Wake up! Now!

The voice stopped along with everything and was replaced by the loud cheering and screams of the students watching the battle.

"Kali! Wake up please!" She heard the familiar voice of the woman who caused the chaos.
"I LOVE YOU! Kali, Please!" Izel shouted, struggling at the grasp of Eirene who was stopping her from running up the platform.

Kali snapped from the trance she was trapped in.

She heard a growl. Whipping her head at the direction of the sound, a huge werewolf approaches with quick strides and angry glowing eyes, sharp teeth on display ready to bite.

Kali tried to dodge, but barely did so. An excruciating pain was felt on her left shoulder where the werewolf managed to dug his sharp teeth. The bite was deep that an abundant flow of blood were spouting from the wound.

But it's not the time to feel the pain, Not when a huge werewolf is charging at her again.

Kali once again was able to evade the attack, but she feels the exhaustion plus the blood flowing from her shoulder. She's aware, she's about to pass out in a few minutes.

So with the remaining strength she had left, and a werewolf charging at her, She closed her eyes, gathering her last remaining strength to end the fight.

She kept her focus, took a deep breathe.

And opened her eyes.

She smirked.

About two steps from her, Was Ronan in his werewolf form, Mid attack, frozen in time. Just like every other students around the arena.

Freezing the time is Kali's most powerful ability. Though, Time can only be stopped for about 10 seconds, it's enough to change a lot of things.

A Z R I E L (A Freenbecky Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now