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Lila was surprised to see someone that looked like Marinette was in a female version of the hawk moth suit, but had a look of excitement on her face now, while having some confusion.

Lila: Hello Marinette, Kagami and Sabrina.Why am I here with you now? How am I here? What's going on?

Ladymoth: You are in an alternate universe.

Sabrina: We need your help to end Ladybug and Cat Noir once and for all.

Another person walked in as Lila saw herself. This Lila said to refer to her as Volpina.

Volpina: Your world is the prime world so if we make a wish from there we could change our lives also.

Lila (in disbelief): An alternate universe? But, that's impossible! So, what you're saying is that when I was fading away, I was sent to another universe??

She didn't know what to think of this situation. She never knew she could disappear and go to an alternate universe.

Volpina (with a mean smile on her face): Hey, so you're the famous Lila. So, we need your help to finally end our enemies. You're powerful enough to really help us do this.

Ladymoth: Our  Ladybug and cat noir's  died by them although their  miraculous are gone.

Kagami: We need to get one more girl and then we will invade and end your ladybug and cat noir.

Sabrina: We'll  make a wish big enough to affect both reality's and get everything we want.

Lila: Wait, wait, wait! You're saying that you killed off your Ladybug and Cat Noir?! Well, you can count me in!! I'm so on board to help you to get the wish and end your enemies. I can't wait to destroy the heroes for good!

her evil smile was growing now, as she was very happy to be here now.

Ladymoth: I need to go get Zoe then we'll head to your  world, the prime world.

Lila (nodding to Ladymoth, before having a look of excitement on her face): Yes!! Can't wait! I'm so ready for this!

Volpina looked at Lila, and had a evil smile on her face, as if she was happy to see her,

Volpina: Good, it's perfect that you're on our team. Get ready, because we're going to destroy Ladybug and Cat Noir very soon...

Another person walked up to Lila as she saw the girl was missing an arm, leg and eye. She could literally see inside the socket as the girl introduced herself as lady Paplion. Lila saw her detransform into a grousom sight of a marinette

Lila couldn't believe what she was seeing now, she had a look of pure shock and fear.

She felt sorry for Lady Papillion, and was horrified of how badly she was injured. She also was worried because she recognized the face of Marinette.

Lila (a tone of sorrow and fear): Oh my god! What happened?! I-I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. Are you okay??

Lady Paplion: I'm Lady Paplion, and in my  world Cat Noir  was akumatize into cat Blanc and turned everyone into stone. The moon was split into two and Paris was destroyed. The only reason I  survived was fusing the butterfly miraculous with myself but this was the outcome.

Lila was absolutely horrified now. She was shaken from this news, the destruction of Paris, and everyone being turned to stone. The fusion with the butterfly miraculous and Paris being destroyed didn't help her feel any better either.

Lila (still shaken from what she was told): Geez, this is a lot to take in at once. But, how do we win? How do we defeat this Cat Blanc and free everyone?

Lady  Paplion: I'm the  the sole survivor of my world and every one here is willing to go the lengths to get your worlds Ladybug and cat Noirs miraculous so we can fix our realities.

Lila nodded, her evil smile coming back. She was willing to do anything to get her hands on Ladybug's and Cat Noir's miraculous now.

Lila (with a sinister tone): I'm definitely willing to join this plan, I'm all for this, all for making sure we get what we want. I'm gonna help you all anyway I can, to end those heroes once and for all. I want them to fall for good. I hate Ladybug and Cat Noir!!

Sabrina turned to Lila

Sabrina: Ladymoth, or Marinette lost her mother and her father beat and abused her for years. Eventually she became ladymoth to get the miraculous to bring back her mother and have a family. The two of us are girlfriends although Ladymoth is actually slowly dying because our Cat Noir cataclysms her and once it reaches her heart she will die.

Lila (Her face changed from a look of annoyance and anger, to one of concern. Her eyes grew wide with fear): Oh my god! Marinette! Her father was abusing her?! Why?!

Lila looked very upset, she couldn't believe her father would abuse Marinette and her mother. She was concerned and worried, she felt sorry for Marinette now.

Lila: Please... don't let her die!!! Is there anything we can do? Can I help? I'll do anything to help Marinette..."

Ladymoth returned with Zoe by her side.

Ladymoth: Soon, very soon.

Ladymoth handed Lila the fox miraculous, which was a bracelet. Lila took it from Ladymoth's hand, and put it on. She noticed that the power of creation was also one of the powers that the fox miraculous had. She was intrigued by it.

Lila: A fox miraculous, wow! Thanks! I like it, so I can become the fox miraculous hero.

She looked excited

Lila: So how do we destroy those heroes then?

Zoe, Kagami and Sabrina transformed into Vesperia, Ryoku and Myura respectively. Lila: *she noticed Zoe transform into Vesperia, Kagami become Ryuko, and Sabrina become Myura.*

Lila: Wow, nice!! Can I join in then!

Lila was now very happy with the plan to end Ladybug. She looked at the other villains, and noticed how everyone was looking at her in excitement now, that she had the fox miraculous.

Lila: So when do we attack then?

Ladymoth: We will all head to your world although there is another called wish Ladymoth.

Lila ( interested still): What's wish Ladymoth?

She had a look of intrigue, she liked how the title sounded. She was excited already to see what her role would be in this battle, and to help out these villains now.

Lady Paplion: She is already there and has a a base. She actually is from an alternate reality where she lost everything. Her parents, her wife, and now is stuck in the prime universe planning a long revenge and soon we all will join her.

Lila: Oh... wow... okay then! Let's go!

Lila spoke, her tone being the one of excitement. She was ready to help Lady Paplion and end those heroes once and forall!! She wanted revenge for all the times Ladybug, Cat Noir, and the other heroes had gotten on her nerves.

Vesperia powers the portal as they all went through. Lila followed as she walked through she saw the base is in the sewers.

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