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Attending classes is the worst especially when you have boring, strict professors teaching them and makes the classes super long and hard to focus.

This is Y/n S/n, yeah you heard right!
I am top best student in all of my classes, perfect grades, always attending to my classes, never ever go to party unless I am feeling the need to have fun😏if you know what I mean?

Being a freshman have its pro and cons but for the next 3 years of my life in this university, will be interesting as few weeks ago, we received the news that our language professor has met an car accident and he is in the hospital. Apparently, we will going to be having a new professor who coming next week which left all of us wondering this one question.

'Is the new professor hot or not?'

I know that it isn't the question you'll thought right? Anyway being here for only few months and struggling to make friends here too is extremely hard. We have all different kind of groups in this university.

The rich kids
The nerds
The troublemakers
The sleepers
The Gothic
The music lovers
The dramatic queens
The wild card
The two-faced
The artists
The hackers
The sports one
And last but not least ;
The loner which is me.

{Aries-Chan: l was thinking the ones in my school, lol. Let me know which group you are from when you were in school or still in school?}

Walking around the campus with music playing in my ears 'sweet but psycho' as I finally arrived to the
cafeteria as my only friend is there every lunch-break. Taking my usual seat as l take out a neatly wrapped lunchbag and opened it to have burger and chips along-side with homemade brownies, fruits and a bottle of water as l wait for my friend who finally arrived about 15 minutes later.

Greatest hacker ever lived in this campus who is also happened to be my only friend, Chelsea Robbie aka GENIUS HACKER who everyone knows her by the title as no one never ever seen what she looks like or known her real name. She looks exactly like Ash ketchum from POKÉMON anime series but female version of him, she is mysterious, funny, straightforward and obsessed with hacking into people personal stories and everything detail about them which l find it creepy but don't tell her l said that!

She walks towards me like a zombie manner and finally sat down before snatching my brownies from me "Hey!" in response she gave me deadly look which I quickly surrendered as it is scary to annoy someone who stay on their computer 24/7,publishing the latest news around campus/University.

Comfortable silence falls upon us as we eat our lunch and we observe the people interaction or sometimes we talk to each other for a while.

Meanwhile in the HQ of Avengers, inside the meeting with S. H. I. E. L. D director aka Nick Fury with the team as they are discussing an very important mission that they going to engage.

Fury:"Our undercover agent has gathered information which explained that the hydra have a secret underground HQ, on top of a university and two hydra scientists are there in disguise as professors. We must be extremely careful as they are building something dangerous and powerful which means all of you will going undercover to find out what hydra's plan and what kind of threat we are facing."

Maria:"You all have 1 weeks to prepare until you arrive in university and mission begins, also try to gather information and be careful with who you are with."

Fury:"Avengers, Good luck."

Maria and Fury leaves the meeting room, Tony looks at his team members and suddenly had an idea.

Tony:"Let's have a party before we begin the mission, just to loose some tense and take chill pill, having the night of your life."

Thor:"That sound splendid!"

Bruce:"l could use a break."

Bucky:"Then it is settled."

Tony:"Tomorrow night we are going party til we can't no-more!"

Natasha, Clint, Steve, vision and wanda leaves the meeting room and went back to their respected rooms to rest. Meanwhile, Chelsea and I were heading to our classes as she do computers, language and law while I do literature, language and Business economics. The only class we see each other is language class and lunch-breaks, remembering that tomorrow l am going to get a new roommates and if I remember correctly which I think they names are Kate Bishop and Shuri?

After classes are done and was getting late, heading back to the girls dorm room and to my room, going to shower, change into PJ then eat dinner which was a Mac and cheese and a bottle of cola/coke, heading to the covers as soon sleep toll over me as l dream what kind of roommates l am going to have?

Chelsea is inside her room as she hacked into a certain rich blonde phone/laptop who is from her law class that mocked her and hacked into bank account as an evil smirk appears on her face as she freeze the bank account. Shutting down her computer, heading to bed as it is later and she have classes tomorrow.

Chelsea:"Never mess with me."
(dark tone)


Chelsea POV

I was busy listening attentively to what the professor saying even if l don't show it, next to me was an annoying mother-fudge blonde who is Ashley smith, most popular and richest girl in the campus as she famous for being a tiktok influencer.

She and I are enemies, the moment we met the first day of university. I was walking around while observing people around and write down in my book if I noticed anything interesting. I saw a girl, wearing glasses, brown braided hair and casual dress who was getting pick on by a blonde who was busy holding her phone and saying something.

Few weeks later, a commotion began as a group of students were crowding the hallway, Ashley who l soon found out her name later on. She was on the floor, covered with dark blue slime on her along-side flour on her head as everyone laughed at her while l, just smirked evilly at her as our eyes meet for the first time.

Ever since that day, she always picking on me and everything about me, my looks, my clothes and my status. Today during tech class, she said something to me that I snapped.

Ashley:"You are pathetic emo loser girl! That why your mother left you as she felt ashamed to have a daughter like you!"



What do you think of the first chapter?

Let me know what you think in the comments below!


Sorry for any mistakes or misspelling, Grammer too! might come back to edit the mistakes if there is😅

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