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Before Chelsea could say anything about what really happened, Ashley spoke first as she put on a fake innocent face and voice. She looked at the principal with fake scared look as she tremble like a leaf while pointing at Chelsea accusingly who shows nothing but a poker face.

Chelsea looked at me then the principal and ashley with impatient look as ashley's acting is so bad that even my roommates noticed it, which of course made me let out a amuse giggle.

Chelsea:"Are you done whining like immature kid? I mean seriously you are university student and you behave like a kindergartener, l mean my niece who is 4 years old, behave better and act mature than you."

Ashley was stunned by Chelsea statement and even the students around them began to laugh while some try to encourage Chelsea to continue to roast ashley like a fried chicken.

Chelsea:"What really happened, was
Ashley burst in the Cafeteria and storm up to me as she claimed that l did something to her phone which I did not and she can't buy anything as her bank account is frozen and thought l have to be the cause of it when l deny it since she do not like me from the start. She then started to degrade me, like how a low life like me shouldn't belong here and grab a plate of pasta and meatball as she threw on my head and poured milk all over me then we began to fight."

As principal heard the complete story as she looks around and ask student individually questioning them, whether if her statement is true or not. I continue to watch as our principal shouted at ashley and suspend her for bullying and false accusations along-side, she going to be suspended for 1 month and will participating cleaning service for 1 month.

It was already night-time and I was extremely exhausted due to classes but mostly Chelsea incident as some of us helped, cleaning the mess that chelsea and ashley made. I was in my room, thinking about doing my homework and then have warm relaxing bath, after I am done with my homework and bathing which really helps relaxs my nerves.

Just as I was about to hit the bed and dream of nothing, a knock on my door stopped me from falling asleep as I opened my door to find Kate looking at me, embarrassed as she was fiddling with her PJ and ask me a request that left me stunned, mixed with confuse and shocked.

Kate:"Y/n? Can I sleep next to you for tonight? I have a hard time trying to fall asleep."

The truth is that, Kate is a member of the avengers and was tasked to find out who is hydra working with and what kind of machine are making that made even Director Fury worried as it's seems to be something big going down.

The real reason that Kate cannot sleep is because she worried about her mission as Director Fury only mention that she is tasked to be normal university student and that if she finds anything suspicious or someone out of ordinary then she must inform him.

Meanwhile in the HQ of avengers tower, The team was busy creating a full proof plan for their mission.

Tony:"Here what we are going to do,
Natasha, wanda, Bruce are going to disguise themselves as professors and Steve, bucky are going to be janitors while me, Clint are going to be Cafeteria workers."

Steve:"Also, we cannot join in the university at the same time as it will looks suspicious, we will have each member join each week as it's better?"

Natasha:"How about this, me, wanda and Bruce will go first and after a month then tony, Clint can come in as cafeteria workers?"

Vision:"That is really a good idea, but what is my role in this mission?"

Clint:"Vision, you are going to be our ears and eyes through security cameras and technology in that university as you can easily access all of the information on each and every one of in that university."

Tony dismissed everyone as they went to their respected rooms and did their own things while wanda was the only one who was in the lounge area
as for some reason, felt like something like an electric shock went down to her spine.

One week later and the avengers was saying farewell to their friends as they were heading quinjet and soon flew off, hours later and they have arrived at a secret location. They are inside a secret warehouse to meet with director fury who is already waiting for them as he greeted them shortly and started walking away which natasha, wanda and Bruce along with Maria followed him and went inside a room.

It is 5am in the morning and l woke up early surprisingly which usually l wake up at 6am instead, l was about to head to the bathroom to start my day but something or should I someone stopped, more like won't let go of me. Kate was hugging me like a koala as she buried her face deep into my neck

which cause my breath hitched in shock since I am not the type of person who let people easily hug me or should I don't like physical touch from girls as I go gay panick mode and suddenly have brain malfunction.

After few attempts of escaping, successfully escaped without waking her up. I did my usual as l began to change after having a nice shower, l soon begin head to the kitchen to make breakfast for my friends and myself. After making pancakes and ice coffee for 2 and 1 hot chocolate.

After having breakfast with my roommates as we began to get ready to head out for our classes of the day.

l was sitting in my literature class and I was kinda excited as I heard we have 3 new professors and that our new language professor, one of my friends told me that our new professor is extremely hot and so is her assistant and both are redheads,While waiting impatiently for the class to end which finally did,l ran out as l quickly head to my class but wasn't looking where I was going as I accidentally bump into someone as I landed on top of them.

Y/n:"l-l am so sorry for not watching where I was g-going!"

I lend a hand to help her up and picking up her stuff that dropped as l give it to her but once I looked at her and I was speechless as she looks like a freaking goddess! and I mean the most beautiful girl I have ever met in the world. Realizing that I zone out as she wave a hand in front of me, trying to come back to my sense as l realize that I was late for class and ran off as fast as I can, not knowing that the girl that l bump into, was looking at me with curious and intrigue look in her eyes.

I finally reach my class as I took a seat while greeting Chelsea who was once  again, engrossed on her phone but she soon put it away the moment we heard the door to our class open and l was surprisingly shocked to see.

Who is your favorite marvel character? And why?

Mine is Wanda Maximoff, natasha Romanoff and Carol Danvers!

They are so powerful and badass fighter!

What do you think of the chapter 3?

Let me know what you think in the comments below!


Sorry for any mistakes or misspelling, Grammer too! might come back to edit the mistakes if there is😅

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