Day 1 - Charybdon

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* You slowly open your eyes, your vision blurry and fuzzy. Almost that you can't see clearly.

* As you begin to wake up, you hear a voice.

Nightmare Voice: Heed my call... Grovel before its might! Come...

* You're starting to wake up more, your vision getting clearer.

* You hear voices. Two of them.

???: Lotley, the tide is rising.

Lotley: Yeah, I can tell, Zoin. Human's still asleep, though. They're twitching, having a nightmare?

Zoin: They're not asleep! Eyes open, see? Get up, human!

* You got up, looking at the two fish like humans. The blue anglerfish is Zoin and the purple one is Lotley.

Lotley: Look, we, uh, need help. You help us!

Zoin: Hey, let's be nice. If we're nice, the human will help.

Lotley: Human! You help me! PLEASE!

Zoin: Didn't you see water bubbling while you slept, human? And something huge stirring deep under the sea? Shame, it sure was a sight to behold!

Lotley: Everyone's been having nightmares ever since. Lotley is afraid to shut his eyes.

Zoin: Monsters crawl from the sea as the tide devours everything...

* You ask the two if they are monsters.

Zoin: Us? No, we ain't no monsters. We're the victims here.

* A monster is approaching!

Lotley: Aaaah! Something's approaching! Lotley's scared! Banish the monster!

Zoin: Help us, won't you, human? If you do, I'll tell you what happened.



Charybdon: Succumb to the call of that which lurks in the depths!



Lotley: You're strong, human. You can help us. Help us so much! Thing is, we're also humans. We're just cursed real bad. Tell them, Zoin!

Zoin: Yeah, we're totally humans! From the nearby village, we are. We're lazy, and that's what saved us. Everyone went to the shore to check the fishing nets, and we stayed in the backyard to enjoy the sunshine.

Lotley: And look what happened to us. We're fishfolk now!

Zoin: And that's not the worse part. I shudder to imagine what happened to folks on the shore.

Lotley: Yeah. They're evil monsters now. The tentacles! The claws! So, you help us, human. Save our neighbors. Make them normal and good, like they always were.

Zoin: If you dispel that magic, maybe we'll become normal too? After all, you're still normal. Who knows why you weren't transformed...

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