01. frightening delusions & brownie points

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ONE | frightening delusions & brownie points



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location: school
mood: mildly grossed out


I know deep down that I'm not a violent person. I just don't have it in me to be violent, mean, rude or condescending. I don't get irritated that easily either, I'm a very calm and collected person. Nothing bothers me.

But if Kaminari Denki doesn't shut the fuck up I will be committing physical assault with a school bag — fucking watch me.

— very pissed off,


at UA high school | 1:09pm

"He's so hot that if he threatened to kill me I'd moan out loud."

You struggle to keep a neutral facial expression on your face as you continue your leisurely stroll around the corridor of your stupidly large high school that you still get lost in with your best friend. The pale cream walls do nothing to liven up your mood even though it's lunch. It also doesn't help that your best friend won't stop drooling over a boy and has been talking about him for forty minutes.

"That's just a bigger reason to kill you," You mutter as students bounce off your shoulder trying to get to lunch.

"Hey. He's in the same room as me. He wants to kill me personally. That means he wants me." Your best friend argues while turning around to walk backwards. You narrow your eyes at her and secretly hope she trips so you can laugh at her misfortune.

Her dark grey skirt flows down to her mid thighs and you mildly wonder how she hasn't gotten caught by any teachers for the shortened skirt. The navy, knee high socks don't help to hide her smooth tanned skin to the school— something that will definitely get her another uniform slip.

"Your reasoning scares me, Ichika."

"When it comes to Kaminari Denki, any reasoning will become logical."

You scoff but there's a small smile on your face that creeps up despite your distaste for this conversation topic. The colourful posters on the wall made by art students showcase the multiple clubs and teams UA has, the brightest posters being about the stardom football team. Though you'd prefer to lump those idiotic boys into a much more derogatory category because it actually suits them.

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