02. little faith & missing books

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TWO | little faith & missing books



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location: school
mood: irritated beyond belief


Look, studying to get the grades into this college has turned me into a burnt out academic weapon who can't look at a book any more. I physically can't study any more, and I procrastinate homework, projects and tests till the last minute. It's my fault I'm barely passing my classes.

But that doesn't mean that I don't get to hate Kaminari Denki for his stupid photographic memory that only works for Physicsor the fact he stole my book to study last minute despite having his own.

— a failing student


at the cafeteria | 1:29 pm

"Kaminari was being a bit flirty, (Y/N). I wouldn't be around him as much," Ichika says with a deep crease in her forehead as she finishes reciting your little run-in on the way to lunch to your very irritated and easily jealous boyfriend.

Your heart twists a little in your chest at the scathing look your boyfriend sends you as his jaw flexes as he finishes chewing on his sandwich.

"He was being his normal prick self," you grumble, mixing the rice and cold sauce around in your plastic container. "I didn't do anything."

"You could have stopped talking to him," Ichika hums, glancing at your boyfriend who has gone tense beside you. You glare at her and she rolls her eyes. "Just saying!"

You continue to glare at her.

"Hey, you wouldn't like it if Monoma was talking to a girl who was clearly trying to get him in her bed."

You bite your inner cheek, darting a glance at your boyfriend who is now scowling openly at his hands as he aggressively rips off the wrapper for his bar. You wince internally knowing that Ichika's words have gotten under Monoma's skin.

Monoma looks at you disgruntled. "I don't see why you had to ask them where I was."

"They saw you last! Of course I'm going to ask them where you went," you exclaim, staring at your boyfriend of three years in disbelief. "They're your teammates— your friends. Why shouldn't I ask them where you wandered off to?"

Monoma scoffs, a brittle smirk overtaking his features as he takes a bit out of his bar. "I don't know if friends would be the term I'd use to describe them, (Y/N)."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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