Chapter One

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Jack J.

Growing up my family, and I didn't have much, but as a kid I never really noticed.

You honestly don't start noticing that type of stuff till others start pointing it out, but that didn't stop me from having a good childhood for the most part.

Growing up my mom and dad provided for my brother, Jeff, and I. They supported us and made sure every night there was a meal on the table even if it meant that they wouldn't be eating that night.

Besides having a decent childhood I always knew I was different. We were a very religious family who went to church every Sunday so, I bet you can guess when I identified that I wasn't really into girls I was scared to death of what my parents would think.

This realization occurred when I was around 12 or 13 and I was completely terrified. All I knew was while every boy was starting to date girls and like them, I had no kind of attraction to them. Not that girls were really into me anyway.

Furthermore, I carried this secret with me till I was sixteen, denying it and trying to get over what I thought could be a faze in the meantime, but it never seemed to go away. However, when I was sixteen it was around that time I got my first boyfriend who was actually my best friend at the time. His name was Nash and at the moment I thought I loved him.

Actually I didn't think, I knew I loved him. He was my first love and my best friend. He taught me how to embrace and love who I was and showed me how to love someone else. He was my first everything. The time I spent with him was amazing.

That was until my father caught us one day kissing in my room when we thought my parents where going to be out longer than they were and my life turned upside down right before my eyes.

That night everything had changed. You could practically see my parents disappointment and disgust written on their face. My dad yelled at me about how I was sinning, while my mom cried trying to figure out where she went wrong with me.

It was one of the worst nights of my life, but at the time I was grateful that they hadn't kicked me out. However, being the religious people they were they did want to change me.

We went to church more, I prayed more, they didn't allow me to go out with my friends, they made me become homeschooled, and made me break everything off with Nash. Well at least they thought they did.

Secretly Nash and I were still seeing each other. It was rare that we saw each other, but we made it work because we loved each other. We planned on running away together, but before we ever could my dad found me and Nash together yet again.

That was the first time I ever saw my dad turn violent and he beat Nash badly telling him to stay away from me. In the mist of me trying to help Nash my dad hit me for the first time ever, but it sure wasn't the last time.

When Nash left all hell broke lose later that night and throughout the screaming from my dad, the crying from my mom, and the disgusted looks from my brother the end result was me getting kicked out at sixteen.

I remember seeing the look of remorse in my mom's eyes, but that didn't get her to stand up for me against my father and brother who I knew had hated me.

It was so rough at first. My mom tried to get me to come home, but quite frankly I was hurt and didn't want to come back. I also didn't stay in contact with Nash, which was the worse part out of all of this besides losing my family.

This led to me being homeless till I was eighteen only contacting my mom once or twice. Then, my aunt, well she's not really my aunt, but I call her that, found me and for the last three years I've been living with her. She was an old family friend and I am forever grateful that she took me in.

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