Chapter 4

21 3 10

3 Week Before The Prologue


A dark sky full of angry clouds that were full of and wearing with, tears.

Today, the weather matched my mood as I wandered down the sidewalk. I didn't know where I wanted to go, or where I was trying to go. I just needed to walk, to move.

I sat down on the edge of the sidewalk, my feet on the rough road. Pebbles and rocks were blunt under my bare feet.

My shirt, leggings, bra, everything, was soaked from the rain. My hair wet and dripping down my back and shoulders.

Salty tears ran down my cheeks, joining and mixing with the warm rain that poured with loud plunks as it hit the ground.

I felt hollow, I couldn't feel my body shiver from being cold and wet. I only felt the pressure of my mind, as if someone was pressing bother of their hands to my head as if to crush my skull.

You're fault, your fault the horrible voice sang in my head.

I had never felt this low, this dark, like I was falling down a rabbit hole.

I felt scared.

Guilt and panic were cramping in my stomach. Anxiety, depression, self-harm, thoughts filled my mind as well as the voice screaming it was my fault.

Everything was.

My breathing hitched as a lump of sorrow closed up in my throat.

I sobbed, putting my head into my hands, the rain pouring onto my body, even though it was warm my senses finally snapped me back to reality.

My lips where shaking with sorrow and from my body being cold to the bone. I felt like a dead girl walking, so cold and scared. My body shook.

I glanced down the road, I could see bright headlights and then heard the loud engine of a car driving down the road.

"Callie....." I flinched, looking behind me, my hair sticking to my face so I had to brush it behind my ear.

"Soda...?" I glanced up at him, my eyes meeting his, I bit my lower lip down hard.

"Why are you out here? You must be freezing come on."

I felt Soda's hand under my armpit, pulling me off the ground. I sighed, not meeting his eyes, looking down at the ground, watching the fat raindrops hit the ground.

I tried not to feel the cold in my joints and the fact that my hands and feet hurt so bad and that that my lips were slightly purple.

Sodapop's hand was tight on my right arm, just above my elbow on the fleshy part of my arm.

"I'm fine." I didn't look up at Soda and kept my eyes on the sidewalk.

"Callie we both know that's a lie now come on, we're taking you home." Soda's tone was laced with hidden anger, it made me nervous.

"Why are you mad at me?" I felt a tingling sensation in my nose and under my eyes, my vision was compromised by blurry tears.

"Callie I'm mad because you won't tell me what's wrong. You won't tell me why you're crying. You won't tell me why you're sitting in the rain at 12 pm at night." I could feel Soda's gaze on the top of my head, his hot neck against my chilled neck.

Soda shoved me into Buck's front door before slamming the door.

"Dal!!" Soda shouted, pulling my soaked jacket off of my arms without letting me get a word in.

I shoved Soda's hands off of me. "I'm fine." I snapped. "What?!" Dallas appeared on the stairs, and he went silent when he saw me and Soda.

"What the hell happened?" Dally asked, walking over to me, squeezing my hair out, sending water pouring onto the floor.

"Go upstairs. Now." My brother snapped. "You'll die of hypothermia."

I rolled my eyes, running upstairs and stripping off my wet clothes, throwing them into the sink of my bathroom.  I felt more tears rolling down my face.

"What the hell happened?" Dallas yelled, I heard him from my bedroom as I dried off my body with a towel. I rubbed the towel hard onto my skin, making it turn an angry pink. Wish I could do this to my mind I thought.

"I don't know. I just found her in the rain." Soda sighed.

I sighed, pulling a nightgown on, my room was cold against my slightly damp skin and wet hair. I tried my hair up into a bun, my knees sinking to the carpeted ground.

I rested my forehead onto the carpeted floor, my back bent, my knees getting rug burn as I sobbed.

I fell onto my side, my tears falling harder and harder until I couldn't breath. I couldn't get a word out, I couldn't take a breath, I couldn't get any Oxygen through my tears.

My vision went black and all my senses faded away. I woke up to the blistering sunlight pouring through my curtains. I groaned, my body was sore from a movement-less night. It was as if I had gotten knocked out or had a drugged sleep that made my body not move at all. My joints and muscles were sore. My head was pounding. My eyes hurt and my lips were so chapped they were bleeding. I had never felt so much like shit. My bedroom door slammed open and I screamed, jumping back a little bit off the floor and covering my chest since I was just in sweatpants and a bra.

"Ahhh CALLIE SORRY!" Soda shouted, slamming the door closed.

My heart pounded as I tried to regain myself. I have a long day ahead of me I thought.

Chapter 4: 956 words

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