Part one Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

Every day is the same.
Wake up.

Bring Beth to school.

Stare out of the window.

Pick Beth up.

Go to work.
Go Home.

365 days a year the same thing.

The last exciting thing that happened was Beth's birth.
Since then everything went downwards.

I lost my home.
I lost my boyfriend.
I lost my friends.


I'm just looking forward to the day that, I don't have to fight anymore.
I want to be happy too,

But that monster, that big black monster keeps following me around.
Everywhere I go, Everything I do, It's trying to put me down.
And I just want him to disappear.
I want him to leave.
I want to be happy too.
But it's not that easy, It's not a disease you can just fix with pills.
It won't fade just fade away with some rest.
You've got to fight for it.
But I'm weak.

One day I'll be a good mom.
One day I will find a boyfriend that she will call daddy.
One day Beth will come home and tell me I'm world's best mommy.

She, Beth.
Is the only reason I'm still fighting.
And I won't give up.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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