Episode 6: Moments for Memories

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As the familiar sight of the gentle snow falling on the landscape was happening, the Citadel's imposing presence loomed over the two gatekeepers. After their successful mission to find the missing rookie, Saber and Dagger were back at their usual post in front of the iron gate. And as always, the snowflakes piled up on the dark and intimidating armors of these henchmen. To fight the cold, they had the bright idea of getting a brazier to keep themselves from freezing. Hovering their hands over the fire, they found comfort in the warmth of the fire, letting out contempt sighs and nods. While this duo was guarding the main gate, Spear was busy painting skulls on a nearby wall, each brushstroke carrying a meaning that only she understood. While Axe was shouting at trainees for their lack of efforts, his helmet was clouded by the condensation created by his gruff voice. In the distance, Scythe's black armor could be spotted in the snow as he was patrolling the path that lead to the Citadel.

While adding some dried branches into the fire, Saber looked at Dagger. The two shared a nod before looking around them, making sure that no one could see them as they pulled out some marshmallows from behind a stone block.

"Not gonna lie, this new guy is great," Dagger declared while eating some roasted sweets, his visor raised over his nose.

Saber gave him a look full of mock doubt, saying, "Aren't you saying that mostly because he got us some marshmallows?"

Dagger held up his hands his defense with a chuckle. "We've got dental benefits, so it isn't that bad to eat some s'mores from time to time. Just saying," he replied with a smirk.

"Sure, sure. By the way, do you think the King's deserters problem has been dealt with? We haven't heard any news about it," Saber asked while glancing at the snowy mountains.

His friend shrugged, clearly more interested in eating some sweets. "Does it matter? Nothing's changed ever since. Talk about a status quo, am I right?" Dagger replied, slightly annoyed that his marshmallow fell in the brazier.

Hearing crunching sound of snow, the two guards looked at the direction of the noise, quickly hiding their recreational activity. However, they let out a sigh of relief as it was just Spear, carrying an almost empty can of paint in one hand while holding her spear in the other.

"Are you guys really doing that right now?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Feeling like they didn't need to hide their activity, the two gatekeepers relaxed with a relieved chuckle. With a smug smile, Dagger waved his marshmallow skewer at the artist. "Are you going to snitch on us?" the sarcastic henchman asked with an eyebrow raised, thought hidden under the helmet.

"Only if you don't let me have one," Spear teased, pointing her chin at the sweet while Saber prepared another marshmallow.

Exchanging contempt glances, they huddled around the brazier.

"Since when could the Dark Lord's henchmen be bribed with s'mores?" a gruff voice asked behind the two guards, making them jump in surprise.

Both Saber and Dagger stifled a yelp, almost letting their skewer fall in the brazier, only to catch them in the last moment. Spear chuckled at their startled reaction, though she immediately stood at attention. Axe, on the other hand, looked at the three henchmen with an expression hidden behind his skull-shaped helmet, letting them guess what he was thinking.

"Um... it isn't what you think it is?" Dagger hesitantly replied, failing to convince even himself.

Saber stepped forward. "Apologies, Axe. We should take our roles more seriously," he said in his usual professional tone.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hand me some, that'll do nicely with my coffee," Axe declared waving his hand at Saber's apology.

The gatekeepers and the artist shared a knowing look before smiling. Dagger took a handful of marshmallows and playfully tossed them at Axe who almost missed them, spilling some coffee on the white snow. The playful guard let out a nervous chuckle after his near mishap. Thankfully, the veteran didn't mind the clumsy toss and simply dropped the sweets in his mug. Saber grinned at his friend's relief while Spear was heating her hands at the brazier, hypnotised by the dancing flames.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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