Chapter 1

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The sun. The rays came bearing from the window, waking me from my slumber. I look over, 7:15, the same time I wake up every morning. I climb out of bed and head for the bathroom; I turn on the shower allowing the water to reach a temperature between luke warm and scalding. I remove my clothes, stepping into the water. I stay in the shower approximatley fifteen minutes.Wrapping the towel around my body, I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth. As I walk to my closet, I pull out my school uniform consiting of my white polo, khaki skirt, and my black toms. I grab my mousse in an attempt to tame my unruly hair. Downstairs I see my mother making coffee. "Where's dad?" I ask. "Your father left early for work," she sighs. I nod, not being suprised that my dad isn't here. These pass few weeks dad has been putting in overtime at the firm, so it's nothing unusal. I grab a handful of granola and my keys and head to my car. Feeling a bit guilty I turn to a decent station and look back at my house. My mom is always home alone. My parents have been married 18 years. They've always been madly in love. I could only hope to have a relationship as strong as theirs. 7:40. I realize the drive to school is somewhat short as I pull into the parking space marked 88. It's 7:50, ten minutes before the homeroom bell rings. I step out of my car and head towards the entrance where I see Mr. Walters who greets me the same every day with a simple "Good moring Ms. Patel." I smile back as I pass him walking straight to hall 500 and enter Mrs. Marley's homeroom. I take a seat in the back saving a place for Abigail, smiling to myself, knowing she'd kill me if I chose two spots in the front. Abigail has been my best friend since I moved to Sioux Fall Academy freshman year. My first day at high wasn't picturesque considering I was starting a new school and I didn't know anyone, that is until I met a gorgeous red head with freckels who took me by the arm asking how I maintained such curly hair. Abigail and I were alike but different in many ways.She was boisterous and out there, everyone knew her name, whilst I was more reserved and quiet. The bell rings and Mrs. Marley begins taking attendance when Abigail comes stumbling through the door yelling, "I'm not late, I swear!" "Take a seat Ms. Woods," Mrs. Marley says in a clipped tone. She snickers flashing the brightest smile at me. I admire Abigail in many ways, one being how effortlessly beatiful she is. I catch two guys watching her every move as she takes a seat next to me. One of the guys peer in my direction, Jake I think, and I give him a shy smile. The last thing I need is male attetion, my focus stays on college and getting out of South Dakota. Abigail plops down pulling out a snickers bar, I always hated those, and whispers, "Some friends of mine are having a kick-back tomorrow night, you wanna go?" I contemplate her question, knowing I should get out more. I guess one night off from my responsibilities wouldn't hurt. I simply say, "Yes" trying to act as if this isn't a big deal. Abigail squeals like a child swatting at my arm. "Quiet down!" Mrs. Marley barks. We burst into a fit of silent laughter as the bell rings dissmissing us from homeroom and we proceed to hall 300 starting our first class of the day.

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