Chapter 4

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     Spending the night in the Enchanted Forest sounded awfully interesting, but it really wasn't. The humidity of the Forest was torturous enough, but the ultimate irritants were the sounds of nightlife.

     All night, I was disturbed by bugs that sounded suspiciously like cicadas but instead of incessant wailing, they were singing. Honestly, the bugs were like land sirens or something. It made me crazy, although I suspected the person beside me to have been smiling in his sleep.

     To make my life worse, the loser Finnegan kept me up for hours with his mumblings and mutterings. If I didn't know better, I was sure Finnegan - pronounced "feeeeeeneeeeegaaan" in the nauseating drawl - was loony. He probably was a jungle Tarzan already, but I know I wouldn't hang around him long enough.

     The night was much longer than it was in Yorkshire.

     "Hey, you're awake?" Finnegan asked. The first rays of sunlight were peeking though the clouds.

     "No..." I groaned, pulling up the hood of the robe. "Because of you, I haven't got enough sleep!"

     "Why? I had a nice rest last night," he replied and I could hear him buckling his sword sheath onto his belt.

     "Oh I'm sure, I was listening to you talk," I smirked, but still refusing to open my eyes. It was going to be too bright soon.

     There was a moment of silence, and some rustling before Finnegan answered breezily, "Really? And what did I say?"

     But I could hear the tone of his voice. It was too nonchalant, and I knew I had struck at something he wasn't willing to share. Hah, take that loser, for making my life miserable.

     "I can't tell you, can I? I'll need it to blackmail you in the future," I said dismissively. He grumbled under his breath. Stretching, I announced, "I think I'll wake up now, I won't want to be dreaming about bugs that sing in womanly voices," I teased, removing the long purple robe as I stood up.

     "I beg your pardon?" he exclaimed, his grey eyes widening suddenly.

     "Thinking about pretty ladies now, aren't you, Finnegan?" I put on my most sultry voice, watching as he turned away surly.

     "Come on," he cleared his throat and picked up a bundle of his things, "let's go."

     "Sure!" I said chirpily. I should make it my profession to annoy Finnegan, at least till I get out of this godforsaken place. "But how do we even get past this hedge? Believe me, I've been trying to do so all afternoon yesterday."

     He sighed, and ran a hand through his brown-blond locks. I couldn't see his expression, since his back was to me, but I could tell he was pretty peeved.

     "As I have told you yesterday, Miss -" he paused, "Woollerton, one should always be polite to every living creature here in the Enchanted Forest. You never know when these plants might reach out and puncture your skin with a deadly sap."

     The bushes ruffled in agreement.

     "Right...Finnegan, this just proves my point that you're such a dork," I said. "Yesterday the bushes might have parted because, well, they know how much you stink."

     Even though he must not have known what a 'dork' was, or that he didn't actually stink - in fact, I could hardly call the scent of forests and wildlife repulsive - the tips of his ears reddened just a bit more.

     Ignoring my snide comment - I knew he would back out of a verbal argument with "a lady" - Finnegan coughed once lightly, before commencing to speak in a formal tone. To the bushes again, of course.

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