Chapter 10

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     The whole night I was constantly woken up by Finnegan blabbing away in his sleep. So this morning I decided my pillow was good enough an instrument to smother his stupid face.

     "Arghhhhh melp! Charwy Melp!" His shrieks were muffled.

     "Shut up stupid."

     I released the pillow and sat on my bed looking innocent. He swiped away the pillow and hissed sharply at me, "What in tarnation was that for?"

     "You were snoring and talking in your sleep; I was kept up all night for the second time I slept within your vicinity! You totally deserved that."

     He swung his tanned legs to the side of the bed and stood up saying, "It's not like you don't talk in your sleep about Troy or something" and ran out of the room.

     I screamed after him, "I do not!"

     My cheeks flushed; that boy was so childish. Rushing to the toilet, I went to wash my face and prepare for the day.

     At breakfast, Mr B.B. (Biggerbottom) was blabbing about his daughter before I entered.

     "She can speak 6 languages, and is unarguably the brightest crayon in the box! Why don't you meet her Finnegan? I bet you young people will be more than good friends." He attempted to wink at Finnegan but it looked like his eyelids were having a seizure. The latter had barely enough time to reply before Mr. B.B. ranted off again.

     "Cherie has the clearest alabaster skin, it's so fair and white and youthful. Can you imagine it Finnegan? She has a great shapely body, like an hourglass, young men like that, don't they?" Pause. "I remember the last time you visited us, she was still but a suckling girl. What a beautiful maiden she is now! With her hair like a golden unicorn's mane, you would have an interesting time combing your fingers through it, won't you? I was wondering if you could actually accompany Cherie on a trip down to the dressmaker's to pick a dress you think she looks great in. I hope -"

     Mr. B.B. stopped short when I sat in the chair opposite Finnegan who was cracking an egg nonchalantly. Picking up a sticky bun, I took a huge bite out of it. After staring blankly at me, Mr B.B. decided it was a good time to ask after me for the sake of politeness.

     "How was your sleep last night?"

     At this question, I had to chew really quickly. Finnegan was half laughing at the question, half laughing at my inability to speak. I shot him a death look.

     "It was...indescribable."

     "Mm..." Mr. B.B considered what I said, then thought of something else. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what exactly is your relation to Finnegan?"

     "Actually, I am -"

     "My long lost cousin." Finnegan finished my sentence. He dabbed the napkin across his lips.

     A furrow stretched across Mr B.B.'s eyebrows. "Really? Where is she from?"

     "One of the small isles in the Archipelago," replied Finnegan simply. "I'm sorry my father never mentioned it to you, Mr Biggerbottom."

     Just as I was about to cut in into their conversation and voice my thoughts, suddenly a porcelain-skinned blonde girl stormed in wearing a peach-colored dress quite like mine. She was screaming to her maid, "I said pink! Not peach!"

     Mr. B.B. cleared his throat uneasily, attracting the newcomer's attention.

     She turned around, startled, and glanced at the guest around the breakfast table. When her eyes landed on Finnegan, she composed herself. Brightening visibly, Cherie walked over.

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