Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

7 am
Ash: still sleeping after the last few days
May: awake and lays there texting to her boyfriend
Serena: awake and ready for the day
Professor Kuki: Good morning Serena.
Serena: Good morning.
Professor Kuki: I am guessing Ash is still asleep?
Serena: Yeah he is. He has been busy, and you saw how tired he was last night.
Professor Kuki: Yeah I like how he puts others and Pokémon before himself.
Serena: That makes one of the many things I love about him.
Professor Kuki: I am glad that is one thing I love him as well like son.
Goh: Ash still asleep?
Yes, He needs it.
Goh: Yeah he had been busy the last few days.
30 minutes later
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika joins everyone and says he needs a little help waking him up
Professor Kuki: Of course, he is having trouble waking up.
Serena: Of course and it looks like Pikachu tried everything I will help him.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika joins her
Ash: still asleep upside down on the ground
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika just watches
Serena: wakes him up somehow
Ash: awake and wonders how he is upside down and still on the bed
Pikachu; pika pika pika pika pika explains it all to him
Ash: Looks like I was really tired last night.
Serena: You where you were the first one asleep.
Ash: I was?
Serena: Yeah I don't blame you, You had been busy.
Ash: Yeah I had been busy.
Dawn: Yeah.
Goh: you also were struggling to get up as well.
Dawn: You got me there if it was not for Pikachu and Pippul I would stay asleep.
Chole: Um Ash you might want to hurry someone is trying to catch Lycronc.
Ash: Goh can you go see who it is? I need to get dressed first.
Goh: Alright do you have a feeling it is the one who just turned 10?
Ash: That is my guess. Thinks really this early and right after I just woke up
Goh: I will try my best and think they are early.
Ash: Me too.
Serena: I will help
Dawn&May: Me too
Ash: Thanks guys
May&Dawn&Goh&Chole: You're welcome.
already trying to stop him but not having any luck and wishes Ash would hurry up
Battle student: trying to catch it and not picking up on the hint it belongs to someone
Lycronc: dogging and keeps attacking the Pokémon
Goh&Dawn&Chole&May: trying to stop him but fails
Why does this Pokémon not want to be cached?
Ash: gets ready as fast as he can and joins them all
Battle student: still battling him
Ash: Pikachu use Thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika uses it to separate the two
Battle student: That came out of nowhere trying to catch Lycronc aging
Ash: Stop He is my Pokémon Lycronc doge and use rock throw. a little annoyed because he did not get a chance to eat before he had to stop him from catching him and just woke up
Lycronc: ruff ruff does that
Battle teacher: I understand you are new and want to catch a lot of Pokémon but there are Pokémon who already have trainers.
Goh: Yeah.
Yeah, We tried to stop you.
Ash: Yep.
Another Battle student: Wait is that Lycronc a rare? I thought they only had 2 forms. Miday and night.
Ash: You're not wrong but you are looking at
Rotron: You are looking at the dusk form of Lycronc.
Battle class: confused who said that
Ash: Long time no see.
Rotron: Hi Ash I missed you
Ash: I missed you as well
Battle class: confused
Ash: Let me introduce you guys to all my friends and Pokémon. This is Rotron in Poke Dex form, you already met Lycronc. There is Toracat, Rowlet, and Metian.
Toracat: meow meow
Lycronc: ruff ruff
Rowlet: asleep on his head
May we pet them?
Not right now we are running a little late
Battle class: We are?
Professor Kuki: Yes
they all head there
Gary&Lillie&Luna&Kawie&Sophocles: waiting for them
Dawn&May&Goh&Chole&Ash&battleclass&Rotron: gets there
Professor Kuki: Sorry we are late we had to deal with something before we had to come.
Gary: I fuired so Yeah. Also, What is next to Ash?
Kawie: Hey Rotron long time no see
Rotron: Hi guys.
Rotron decided to join us for the day.
Kawie: Nice
battle classmate: What are we doing today?
Professor Kuki: learning about Z moves and if ok with all of you would you show them the Z moves?
Lillie&Mallow&Lana&&Ash: Sure.
Battle classmate: Ash I am sorry I tried to catch Lycronc after all your friends said to stop.
Ash: It is okay but please next time listen to them when they say stop. And I am sorry about Pikachu's thunderbolt.
Battle classmate: That is okay I got a little carried away.
Ash: eating lunch with all his friends
Gary: is that why you guys were late?
Goh: yes.
Mallow: We learned the hard way don't get in the middle of Ash and his Pokémon.
Ash: right.
Rotron: keeping an eye on all the Pokémon while they all eat and catch up
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika warming up and playing
Marowak: mar mar same
Snowy: Val val same
Primarina: same
Tsareena: Sarena Sarena same
Vikavolt: Vika Vika same
Rotron: sees a kid about to pull Pikachu's tail No don't
Classmate: Why?
Rotron: exines it
Classmate: I really want to feel it
Rotron: No you can't
Ash: hears Pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika comes to him
Classmate: Dang I really want to know how it feels to be electrically shocked
Ash: All you had to do was ask I am willing to do a thunderbolt on you but just once. What do you say Pikachu?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika agrees to the request and gets ready to do that
Battle classmate: Can we join in?
Ash: Yes and hurry He is about ready to do it.
Battle classmate: Alright gets in place
Ash: Pikachu use Thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika uses it and shocks everyone and smiles
Battle classmate&Classmate: feels it and never wants to feel it again Now we know how you feel.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika shocks Ash
Ash: screams a little really Pikachu? smiles a little
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika feels bad for doing it
Ash: I know you were showing it to me I am not mad just a little shocked.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika smiles
Roatan: Good save back their Ash.
Ash: I knew they wanted to experience it, but I was willing to do it in a nice way.
Ash: I should get back I was having fun spending time with everyone.
Rotron: Ok I will keep an eye on everyone for you guys.
after lunch
Porferser Kuki: Lana, Lillie, Malow, Sophocles, Kawie, Ash you guys ready?
Ash: Yes but before I have been keeping a secret from you guys and I am ready to tell you guys..
Battle class&Roatron: Hun?
Goh&Dawn&Chole&May: You guys sure you want to do this?
Ash&Serena: We are sure.
Ash: Serena is my girlfriend.
Battle class: speechless
Rotron: doing what he did when the Professors announced they were getting married
Battle class: We promise to keep it a secret
Rotron: I agree also.
Ash&Serena: Thanks, guys.
Battle class&Roatron: You're welcome we understand you want to keep it low because you guys are very popular.
Rotron: I especially know how Ash acts towards all the action is on him not in battles
Ash: Rotron Really? A little embarrassed
Rotron: Yes
Professor Kuki: Let's move on
Ash: Right
Professor Kuki: Lillie why don't you go first?
Lillie: Alright Snowy?
Snowy: Val val ready
Lille: The quiet falling snow from the sky crystals of water constum shirring like awaking the world with a frosty Z power, together with firefly spirit Rise up in the vast Sky aging.
Snowy: howls
Lillie: use subzero Slammer.
Snowy: uses the move
Classmate: I always wanted to see a snow-type Z move up close.
Lillie: I am glad I was able to do it for you.
Professor Kuki: Mallow, you're next
Mallow: Alright Tsareena Ready?
Tsareena: Serena Serna ready
Mallow: Fell it the breath the nature of the forest Now it is time to use bloom doom.
Tsareena: uses the Z move
Battle classmate: That was cool
Mallow: I agree
Professor Kuki: Lana, You're next
Lana: Alright, Primarina here we go.
Rotron: this is a pretty one.
Lana: Embrace by the sea here we go Pass the ocean horizon use Oceanic Operetta
Primarina: sings while using it
Goh: That was pretty
Dawn&May&Chole: I agree
Professor Kuki: first Sophocles then Kawie and to finish it off Ash.
Sophocle&Kawie&Ash: Alright
Sophocles: ready Vilavolt?
Vikavolt: vika vika
Sophocles: our systems are in total sync, Now programs ready run
Vikavolt: makes noises
Sophocles:  Where going to use Savage Spin-out
Vikavolt: uses it
Sophocles: Go.
Battle classmate: Why is Ash going last?
If I think the move Ash is going to use his move is very powerful.
Ash: Yep the 10 million volt is super powerful.
Right. Kawie?
Kawie: Right. Ready Marowak?
Marowak: maw maw ready
Kawie: The zenith, of my mind, body, and spirit! Like the great mountain of Akala, become a raging fire and burn! Inferno overdrive
Marowak: maw maw uses the Z move
Rotron: That move is stronger than usual
Kawie: I have been working hard on it.
Professor Kuki: Ready Ash?
Ash: Yes, ready Pikachu?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika smiles and ready
Mallow: Everyone get back.
Dawn&Chole&May&Serena&Goh&Gary&bothclass: moves back
Ash: tosses Pikachu his hat
Pikachu: Pika Pika hopes up to catch it
Ash: a high five then a tail slap Much bigger than a Thunderbolt, 10millon volt thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika
Ash: Yeah this is much much Bigger! At super full power. Pikachu Use 10-million-volt thunderbolt!
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika uses the move
Classmate: Now I see why and that is so cool
Dawn: I wanted to see it up close
Chole: Me too
May: Me too
Battle classmate: Too bad we can't see a dark type Z move.
Gladion: comes out of nowhere If it is okay with Professor Kuki I can show you one.
Professor Kuki: Sure go right ahead.
Gladion: Alright calls out Zoroark
Zoroark: gets ready
Gladion: says the words Use Black Hole Eclipse
Zoroark uses the move
Battle classmate: That was cool
Rotron: there is one Z move you have not seen. looks at Professor Kuki
gets a little embarrassed with everyone looking at him
Battle student: Wait You're the masked Royal?
Professor Kuki: Yes I am but after Ash became the first Aloan league champion I wanted him to be the hero.
Ash: Yep
May&Dawn&Chole: You're the first Aloan league champion?
Ash: Yes.
May&Dawn&Chole: That is so cool.
Grookey: sees Gladion and starts hitting him on the head
Gladion: a little surprised Who is that Pokémon?
Goh: I am sorry That is Grookey.
Gladion: holds Grookey Hi Grookey I'm Gladion
Grookey: Gro gro pleased to meet him then goes back to Goh
Professor Kuki: ready to show his Z move
Ash: We should watch
Serena: Yeah
Professor Kukui: Alright I will. Calls out Incineroar
Incineroar: roar roar ready to battle
Incineroar here we go, Get fired up and incider rate the ring,
Incineroar: Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Use Malicious Moonsault
Incineroar: uses it
Ash: That is cool every single time I see it.
Professor Kukui: Yep. It is strong also.
Ash: Yep.
Battle class&Goh&Chole&Dawn&May: in shock Wow that was so cool.
Professor Kukui: I agree
A few hours later
Ash: showing them some battle techniques with his Aloha Pokémon to help them stay awake because it is still a little too early for bed
Sorry Ash we have to get going
Ash: Alright see you tomorrow
Battle teacher: See yeah and get some sleep.
Serena: I second that
Ash: I will yawn
Goh: right I have a feeling Ash will be first asleep
May: me too
Dawn: Me too
Professor Kuki: Me too after this morning I could tell he is tired after he did not want to get up even after an extra 30 minutes.
Goh: And also a little annoyed when they forced him to come out before he was fully ready for the day.
Ash: Yeah but after it was a good day. I did not start to get tired until after the Z move.
Goh: It took a lot of your energy.
1 hour later
Ash: gets ready for bed and falls fast asleep
Chole: laughs quietly Yep Ash is first asleep
Goh: I called it
May: Me too
Chole: Me too
Serena: Me too he had been busy, so he was tired. Luckily next week is a break and he can sleep a lot.
May: Yeah at least he still gives it as much as he can all of the time
Professor Kuki: I agree that is how he won the league and the championship
Dawn: asleep
Serena: sneaks in the room and moves Ash over and accidentally woke him up
Ash: fells it and wakes up for a second and then falls back asleep knowing it is her
Serena: thinks phew but lucky he fell back asleep and falls asleep herself
Goh&May&Chole: falls asleep

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