Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

6 Am

Serena: up and practicing with her Pokémon
Sylveon: slv slv smiles and practices
Pancham: pan pan same
Braixen: brai brai same
May: up and ready May we join you, Serena?
Serena: Sure
May: lets out let's do some practice
Glaceon&Beautifly&Blaziken: agrees and works hard
30 minutes later
6:30 am
Gary: wakes up and goes to train a little before the day and getting readyto learn the Z move
Goh: wakes up and has a little time to train before his busy day
Grookey: Gro gro starts to play with his toy ball and has a blast
Goh: you sure love that ball
Grookey: gro gro smiles and makes happy noises
Ash: still asleep
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika smiles and still asleep
30 more minutes later
Ash: Pikachu use Thunderbolt in his sleep
Pikachu: pika pika pika awake and hears and does a light one on him
Ash: gets woken up by that Did I do it aging?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika nodes in agreement
Ash: smiles gets ready for the day and goes to work with Gary for the timehe has
Gladdon: They are from the Kanto league and have decided to stay an extra day andhelp Gary There you go you almost have it down.
Gary: Thanks for helping me get it down.
Gladdon: You're welcome it was easier for me
Gary: Yep Ash told me you were the best with dark type Pokémon.
Gladdion: Yep I even have a Pokémon for him because I want to battle a certain Pokémon.
Ash: hears and heads over is it Lycronc?
Gladdion: Yep I wanted to do a battle between yours and mine. *hands him the Pokeball*
Ash: Come on out Lycronc smiles
Lycronc: ruff ruff ruff sees him and rubs all up and licks him
Ash: I am happy to see you too says laughing
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika smiles and makes happy noises
Gary: Ash, Do you want to see me use the Z move?
Ash: Sure
Gray: does the moves Now use Black Hole Eclipse
Umbreon: umb umb does the move
Ash: surprised he got it right away
Lycronc: ruff ruff happy to see it
Gladion: That was perfect Gary you got it down so fast you must have a deep bond with him.
Gary: yep What is your guys Z move?
Ash: rock type Continental Crush and his special z move Splintered Stormshards
Gladion: Same
Ash: I have to get going if we are doing that I should go grab it and switch the one for Pikachu out.
Gladion: See you there
Ash: Alright come on Pikachu and Lycronc
Pikachu: pika pika pika
Lycronc: ruff ruff
10 minutes before the class
Battle Teacher: Where is Ash?
Gladion: he will be here in a minute he had to do something really quick.
Battle Student: Is that a Z ring?
Gladion: yep
Battle student: that is so cool I've never seen up close before
Gladdon: You will see soon there are different colors for different trainers
Battle student: Oh?
Gladion: Yep
Battle Teacher: you must be one of the new students.
Battle student: yep
Goh: Sounds like it
Ash: running there and makes it on time and gets scared a little because all the new students are crowding him
New battle students: starts asking him questions and crowds him
Goh: Stop give him space pull him closer to him
New battle students: Why?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika a little annoyed they did that to his trainer
Lycronc: ruff ruff also not happy
Serena: walks by and sees Goh and heads in
Goh: sees her and silently explains what happened
Serena: nodes and whispers I will take it from here
Goh: whispers go for it and goes back to everyone
battle student: What is wrong with him?
Battle teacher: I don't know
Gladion: Goh am not wrong on what happened?
Goh: Yep but with her he will be ok give it like 10 minutes
Pikachu: pika pika pika smiles and agrees
Gladion: good I really want to battle him
Battle teacher: I know is that why you stayed an extra day but I should get started. Goh you can stay here with him or join us?
Goh: I will stay until he comes back
Battle teacher: Alright it is basically the same rules as the first half.
Goh: I fuired but I know what happened to him?
Battle Teacher: oh?
Goh: Yeah Ash does not like big crowds, or he freezes up so maybe add that as a rule?
Battle Teacher: Ok will do goes to get started and tells them the rule
New battle student: Why?
Ash: walks in and calmer I just don't like big crowds and when that happens I freeze up. And the best is to not bug me when that happens.
Goh: exactly what happened just before class started.
Ash: Yep
New battle students: We are sorry about that we did not know
Ash: It is ok I had my friends to help me so yeah.
New battles student: So, the girl who helped you is she you're girlfriend?
Ash: gets nervous
Goh: She might or might not be
Serena: watching from the window and hearing and answering I am taken already and you are a little to be dating?
Ash: smiles and clams down
New battles student: Ok now quiet
Battle Teacher: finishes Who is ready to see a battle?
Battle Students: we are
Ash: Ready Gladion?
Gladion: Yep let's do this
Lycronc: ruff ruff ready to battle
Gladion: calls out Lycronc
Night Lycronc: ruff ruff ready to battle
New battle student: Are there only 2 forms?
Goh: not wrong but Ash's is a rare and it is the dusk form
New battle student: That is cool.
Ash: I agree and it is cool.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika smiles and watches and is careful of the new students
Ash: in battle mode
Gladion: same

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