Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

1 month later
7 am

Max: wakes up happy because he is finally old enough to be a Pokémon trainer
May: got permission to be at home for his 10th birthday and stillasleep
Max: Good morning
Caroline: Good morning Max and happy birthday
Norman: Good morning Max and happy birthday
Max: Thanks
Caroline&Norman: You're welcome
Norman: Can you get your sister? She is still sleeping.
Max: Of course, she is still asleep and sure.
Morman: Thanks Max.
Caroline: Tell her breakfast is ready.
Max: Alright goes to wake her the annoying way he knows how to do so
May: wakes up upside down on the ground Good morning Max and Happybirthday.
Max: Thanks, and Mom said breakfast is ready.
May: You're welcome now please leave so I can get ready.
Max: Of course leaves so she can get ready
May: gets ready for the day and joins them
Caroline&Norman: Good morning May
May: Good morning Mom and Dad. And thanks for letting me come home for hisbirthday.
Caroline&Norman: You're welcome We love having you home.
Norman: It had been a long time since you were home.
May: I know I went to Kolas and then after I watched the Master 8 and helped keep a surprise from Ash.
Max: You've grown a lot since I saw you last and you.
May: I know I have been busy with school as well think I should stop beforesomething slip
Max: Yep also are you not telling me something?
May: Nope gets a little nervous
Norman: Max stop I have a feeling she is not saying it for a certain reason.
Max: OK sits down and eats
May: Thanks Dad you helped me out of a tight spot.
Norman: You're welcome.
Max: I hope Ash remembers he promised me a battle when I was old enough.
May: he has not forgotten and I think next week you guys are heading to Kantofor a week to learn about the Kanto Pokémon.
Max: Yep maybe I can change Ash then?
May: Maybe the only thing I ask to help him is that don't have them crowd him. Hedoes not like them.
Max: I understand I will make sure they know and be respectful.
May: I hope so for his safety and to keep him happy.
Max: Yep I know how he acts when tired or annoyed.
May: That is right you saw that once or twice.
Max: Yep
Norman: I rember the time he got the badge from me you where sad and ran away from him with it.
Max: Yeah I felt bad but after that I looked up to him.
Norman: That is right. But do you know what path you want to go down to become?
Max: I want to be a gym leader like you dad.
Norman: Alright I fired you wanted to be one. So, my advice is to study hard and go on journeys to learn as much as you can.
May: like on my journey I am learning and meeting a bunch of people and learning a lot and making new friends. like a few new ones are Serena, Chole, Goh, Dawn.
Max: Can I meet them?
May: when you come to Kanto next week.
Max: Alright.
May: thinks I need to stop talking about them because I promised Ash to keep his secret
Norman: Do you know what your starter Pokémon is going to be?
Max: Well May choose Torchic, Ash caught a Treeko and now Sceptile, So I am going to go with Mudkip.
Norman&Caroline&May: So you are basing them off what you have seen battle before.
Max: Yep I never saw Mudkip battle or perform before.
May: Makes seance. Should I tell Ash or keep it a suprice?
Max: Keep it a suprice I don't want him to be to plan ahead and come up with a plan to beat me unfair.
May: That makes sense.
Max: Yep.
May: Do you want me to come with you when you get your Pokémon?
Max: Yes please it will make it special for me.
May: Alright.
Caroline&Norman: Be good you two and see you over break May be safe.
Max&May: We will hugs them
Caroline&Norman: hugs them back
Max: gets his first Pokémon
May: My little bother is now a Pokémon trainer just like me. I am so proud of him.
Max: I am glad you are proud of me. I remember when I left after Kanto and ash in the battle frontier and you performing I was jealous. I wanted to grow up fast so I could become a trainer. I am now a trainer and now I want and my first battle I want to be against Ash, but I should practice with my classmates first. I know Ash is strong.
May: I agree I personally have not beaten him in battle.
Max: I furred maybe you can come with me today and you can help them train and learn about strategies? They never had battled against an Ice type before.
May: I am willing to do that, and what cake would you like?
Max: Chocolate please. And when did you learn how to cook or bake?
May: Ever since this year. And to make up for missing class today she gave me two choices.
Max: What are they?
May: Either make something for the family or get a 0 for the day.
Max: I don't want to see you fail so I am glad you chose to make me a cake.
May: Me too I have to take pictures of the step and send them by the end of the week.
Max: That sounds fair you are working hard so I should work hard. I do want to one day Battle Ash in the master 8 tournament.
May: One day you will. Just keep working hard no matter what and one day you will. Keep working hard and we get back I want to battle you.
Max: Sounds like a plan.
May: Alright.
Few hours later when they get back from getting his Pokémon and while Max was in school she makes the cake and when he was asked to come in she did.
Classmates: Wow May you make very good cookies.
Max: Yep she is. I am proud to be her little brother.
May: blushes a little Thanks guys.
Classmate's: You're welcome.
one week later
Ash: still asleep doing homework last night and should be up
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika awake and wakes him up nicely
Ash: awake by Pikachu Good moring buddy pets him before getting out of bed
Pikachu: pika pika pika smiles and makes happy noises
Ash: feeds Pikachu before getting ready because it is the best way to not have him get in the way
Battle teacher: already started meeting the class that came to visit for the week
Max: Excuse me Do you know where Ash is?
Battle teacher: He is not here quite yet.
May: watching today
Ash: I have a felling Max is here this week. She did say there was some people from Hoenn Region here today.
Goh: gets there early and wonders why May is watching
May: Max this is one of my friends Goh.
Max: Nice to meet you Goh I'm Max.
Goh: niece to meet you.
Grookey: gro gro sees Max and starts hitting him on the head
Max: Who is that Pokémon? Does not mind getting hit on the head
Goh: Grookey come back.
Max: Thanks Goh
Grookey: gro gro starts hitting Goh on the head
Goh: Grookey stop moves him to the ground
Grookey: gro gro stops but does not regret his choices
Ash: 5 minutes early with Pikachu happy
Battle Teacher: You're early Today Ash.
Goh: I agree.
Ash: I was just happy to get here today also hi May.
May: Hi Ash
Max: Don't forget me.
Ash: Hi Max long time no see.
Max: I agree.
May: I see you are in a great mood today.
Ash: I am happy today.
Goh: Looks like it.
May: Don't forget about the promise to Max.
Max: Yeah.
Ash: I didn't I promised you when you where 10 I would be your first person you wanted to battle.
Max: So, you did not forget, yay
May: and now since you're 10 you are an official Pokémon trainer.
Max: Yep and I can't believe I am battling the champion.
Ash: Yep and when time comes what Pokémon do you want to battle against? I have Pikachu, Swellow, Grovyle, Corphish, Torkoal and Glalie.
May: Are those your Pokémon from Hoenn?
Ash: yep. I wanted to battle with them today and this week and when I heard people from Hoenn was here this week I deiced to chose all of those.
Max: I want to battle Torkoal.
Ash: Alright.
Battel teacher: Go right ahead you guys can battle first.
Ash: You sure?
Battel teacher: I am sure I don't mind him battling you instead of me.
Ash: Alright, Let's do this Max.
Max: alright I can't wait to show you my starter Pokémon.
Ash: alright Let's do this.
Max: Don't go to easy on me.
Ash: Ok.
May: thinks Ash has a little disadvantage because water is stronger on fire types
Goh: I was thinking the same thing, but knowing him he will come up with a plan.
May: True. At least he agreed to not go full out on him.
Goh: That is true.
Ash: Torkoal I chouse you
Max: Mudkip I chose you
Ash: Use rapid spin but not to hard
Torkoal: uses the move at half power
Max: Mudkip doge and use Water gun
Mudkip: doges and uses the move
Ash: Doge and use flame wheel
Torkoal: does that and keeps his moves at the same power
Max: doge and use mudshot
Mudkip: does what he is told and hit him hard
Torkoal: hit but can still go on
Ash: smiles Now use overheat

Uses the move and hits him
Mudkip: gets hit but is standing a little but having trouble
Max: Use Hydro Cannon
Mudkip: uses it and still standing but very week
Torkoal: still standing but barely
Ash: Good you can still go on, Use flame wheel
Torkoal: uses the move and knocks him out
Mudkip: unable to battle
Battel teacher: Mudkip is un able to battle so Torkoal is the winner
Max: has a smile on his face Ash That was a great battle, I am a little sad I lost but after battling you I found the reason why I want to be a gym leader just like my dad.
Ash: That was a lot of fun I had not battled with them in a while.
Max: I also wanted you to give me an equal chance. I knew you where very strong so thanks for aggreging to not go to easy on me.
Ash: You're welcome, I may be the champion, but I am fair.
Battle teacher: That is one of the many parts I like teaching battling a lot.
Ash: Yep
Max&Goh&May: Yep
Ash: shakes Max's hand and smiles
Max: same
May: That is what friendship is about.
Max: Yep I might have not been old enough when I first meet Ash but I look up to him.
May: That is so sweet
Ash: I agree.

After the class
Max: Yes I have a little free time and I want to hang out with May and you guys.
Ash: Ok
Goh: Ok
Gary&Serena&Dawn&chole: walks in Hi guys
Ash: Hi
May: That is the rest of my friends .
Chole&Dawn&Gary&Serena: Nice to meet you Max.
Max: Nice to meet you two.
Ash: Serena may I talk to you alone for a minute?
Max: Why?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika knows when he says that it is to give them space
May: looks at them as I can help him if needed if you want to tell him
Serena&Ash: looks at her as we understand
Serena: Sure thing Ash.
Max: I wonder why?
May: they just want to talk alone.
Ash: I had been considering for a while on telling Max about us. We told May and she has kept it a secret all this time.
Serena: I had been talking to May about it as well. And she is willing to help him keep it.
Ash: Should we?
Serena: We should, or he would turn into Bonnie, and she kept bugging us about it.
Ash: True I have a felling her mom and dad knows and has helped her keep it a secret.
Serena: If their parents know and helps keep it a secret then I don't mind telling him.
Ash: alright we should head back and tell him.
Serena: Right.
Max: What are they talking about?
May: about a homework assignment.
Max: oh when will they be back?
May: thinks hurry up guys
Goh: in a few seconds.
Dawn: there is no need to worry they will be back soon.
Ash: Yep
Serena: Yep
Max: You took a little longer than a minute.
Dawn: It was a longer because they had to talk about in detail
Ash: Yep
Max: I understand.
Ash: We need to tell you something
Max: What?
Ash&Serena: Do you promise to not tell anyone?
Max: I do
May: If he does I will make sure that he will pay the price.
Max: What do you mean by that?
Ash&Serena: We are dating
Max: WAIT WHAT? You for real?
Ash&Serena: Yep.
Max: Does May know about this?
May: Yes I do and mom and dad.
Max: I knew you were hiding something when you where careful of saying thangs about Ash.
May: Yep, I avoided telling you because it was there life, and I should not spread the word without their permission.
Serena: That is good trust me you do not want to see him angry.
Ash: Yep and thanks May for not telling him.
May: You're welcome.
Max: I understand I promise to keep a secret. Or I will have to deal with May angry.
Dawn: I rember that one day you came to sinno and the food.
May: That is true
Max: Yep.
Ash: We are very selective on telling people we don't want the world to know.
Max: I understand I will keep it between me and my family.
Ash: That is good, May I understand you tell you're mom and dad to help you.
May: I am glad you gave me permission to tell them, they helped me by changing subjects a few times last Monday.
Ash: that is good and also tell them thanks.
May: Will do but I have to get going
Goh&Chole: Me to see you guys latter.
Serena&Ash&Dawn: See you guys latter.
Chole&Goh&May: see yeah
May: Come on Max I can have you help me today.
Max: Alright.

many hours later
Ash: I am glad Max is understanding it helps us a lot.
Serena: I agree
Ash: That was a close call on this afternoon.
Serena: I know but our friends where there to help
Ash: yep but I think we should get to bed.
Serena: Alright good night honey love you.
Ash: I love you to sweetie falls asleep Happy
Serena: gets back and falls asleep happy

Pikachu: pika pika pika pika happy and falls asleep in his arms and smiles

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