Ill in both ways😘

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Life update
I've had acid reflux for the the past 5 weeks and I cant eat shit.
The doctor gave me a fucking diet sheet on what to eat and what not to eat and you guess it, ALL the shit I eat is the shit I cant have.
Heres a list of the shit I cant eat-
Oily foods
Juice/Soft drinks
Curry foods💀
Fry foods
Cheese/Butter/Dairy stuff

I feel like ass in the morning.
The fucking thing is ny appetite HAS unhealthily increased for no resson recently since last week. I keep getting up 2am, 3am or 4am or 5 fucking am to eat or my stomach feels upset.

The worst fucking part is I have emetophobia.💀

After I eat I feel like shit and need to drown myself in meds.

Call me a littlr bitch but I always HAVE to go by my mama for comfort and yes I still call her mama if you have a problem then leave<3

I need to give my mom credits for being the sweetest, caring most loving and accepting mother. I dont think I can make a minute in life without her.
Just to have her hold me like the baby I once was and have my head under the crook of her neck as she cradles me to sleep..

Thats all for my rant today.

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