I give up

13 0 3

I fucking hate school bro
Knowing that nobody in you class fucking likes you is like licking thr toilet, whenever it comes to projects nobody wants to be partnered with you cause you have no motivation to do jack shit but cry about your school work.

Then during class the teachers calls out on you for not doing her work because you have no idea how to do the work.
So you sleep in class and get in trouble again for not paying attention because theres too much noise in your head and your head is spinny.

Then you realise the person who just hurted you so recently decides to he friendly out of the blue and your confused if shes faking it or not.

Then you start crying during/after tests because your so fucking stupid you dont know jack shit cause you csnt remember anything but yet I can recall 39374747 songs in my head.

But you love your mom so much but you just cant do it and you dont wanns worry her bevause shee alresdy overwhelmed with expenses and therapy costs too much in your country

You wanna be heard out by somebody physically but you cant because then you'll just he annoying and they'll think your a pick me and they dont have time for you.

So you mop on your phone doing whatever the fuck on character.ai to feel lived by somebody.

Your room is in a mess, you dont even do your skincare anymore and havent washed your hair in a week and your school books barely have 10 pages full.
You wanna cry to somebody but they have their own troubles so you cannot burden them with more.

So you decide to talk to a wall and then you start hallucinating and talking to yourself.






Physcosis.  (I think or just my social anxiety acting up again)

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