Chapter 5

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1 Week before Jaemin and Donghyuck's encounter

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1 Week before Jaemin and Donghyuck's encounter...


Some nights I dream about them.

About the only three boys that I've ever loved; Lee Donghyuck, Lee Minhyung, and Na Jaemin. In these dreams, I would hold them and they would touch me gently just like the way that they had on our last night together. They would give me soft kisses that I swore I could feel on my skin when I woke up. Every single one of their touches was still fresh in my mind. 

I wished that they were in my dreams every day when these dreams happen. They made me happy despite knowing that when I woke up, when I was back in reality, they wouldn't be next to me. They wouldn't kiss me and touch me like they did in my dreams. I wouldn't be able to hold them.

But there were some nights that I wished they were never in my dreams again.

It was on days when those beautiful dreams, those touches, turned into nightmares. Their soft voices would turn into screams and their faces turned angry.

"It's your fault we're not together,"

They would scream.

"We've moved on,"

They would whisper in my ear.

"We never loved you,"

They would say coldly.

Whether they were good or bad dreams, every time I missed them more desperately.

"Mr. Lee?" 

I hear a knock on my door. I open my eyes and stare at the blank ceiling I have gotten used to in the last seven years. 

Another knock comes along with the same voice. "Mr. Lee? May I come in? I have a letter from your parents and your suit, ironed for today."

I take a second before answering. "Just leave it at the door, Dorothea," I respond nonchalantly, just loud enough for the person on the other side to hear. 

I hear some shuffling from my lying position and then hear the sound of retreating steps until I couldn't hear anything anymore. 

When I'm sure no one is there anymore, I finally sit up on my bed. Despite my want to believe that I feel fine, I hug my legs to my chest, the only form of comfort I have found over the years. 

What I had just dreamt comes back to me. I close my eyes, wanting to remember every detail about it. It had been one of the good dreams where they would kiss me and smile and tell me that they loved me. And although it had been good and I had been happy in the dream and I was content that I had dreamt it... it still made me sad. It made me reminisce and miss them more than usual. 

I sigh before standing up from my bed. I walk to my door and open it just enough to get my hand through it and grab my suit and the letter that was laid on the floor. 

Intricate: 'WE' Still Exists I MARKNOMINHYUCK (MXMXMXM)Where stories live. Discover now