Chapter 2

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The lesson seemed to drag on after that. Zayn didn’t even look at me let alone mumble another word to me for the rest of the lesson, his dark brown were glued to the front of class. The bell suddenly went making me jump, i watched Zayn as he rushed out the door with his friends totally ignoring me. All his friends looked my way and giggled. I had learnt a little about them through the lessons. The blond one Niall seemed to like food as he kept sneaking food out of his bag, The curly haired one was called Harry and seemed a bit of a ladies man, there was louis who seemed to be the class joker and liam who seemd to be the father figure who kept telling louis to behave. I blushed as they looked my way.

“Come on Alice! We have P.E next” shouted Layla from the door.

I groaned

“I don’t have my P.E Kit.. I didn’t think I would have it on our first day!” I said walking over to her.

She looked at her school bag and then looked back at me, a grin spread across her pale face.

“I have a better idea!” She said grabbing me and pulling me down the corridoor.

I didn’t say a word i let her drag me down about three corridoors and up a spiral staircase. I tried to remember the way we were going but i lost track after the first few corridoors. After a while i realised half of the school must of been refurbished to more modern, the part we were in now seemed old and worn down. Finally she suddenly stopped in front of a door lablled caretaker. Layla opened the door and walking in.

“What are you doing? Won’t we get in trouble?!” I whispered while grabbing her hand.

She giggled “Don’t worry, the caretaker doesn’t use this room anymore only the new one!” she said.

“So what are we gonna do.. sit in the caretakers old storage room for the hour we have P.E i said giving her a confused look.

“Don’t be silly! Were not here yet, Come on!” she said holding out her hand.

I hesitated

“Don’t you trust me?” She giggled

I looked at her. I had only know Layla for a few hours but i felt i could trust her with anything. I took hold her hand and let her drag me into the dark room.

The caretakers room was bigger than i thought. We walked through a big room filled with what seemed to be old test papers, but eventually we ended up walking down a narrow corridoor. The smell of damp smacked me in the face and all i could see was the sillouette of laylas figure. Suddenly she stopped and we were facing another door, Layla started putting her hand in old buckets.

“What are you doing? Anything could be in there” i said laughing

“Im looking for somthing.. FOUND IT!” she said

She produced a small key and proceeded to opening the door. 

“Only up these stairs and then we are there” She said her eyes gleaming.

She took hold of my hand and led me up some stairs, i realised we seemed to be walking up a tower and my heart started thudding. I hated heights. After what felt like hours we reached the top and i let out a small sigh of relief.

The room was small but cute, it seemed like someone had been coming up here for a few years. There were books and drawings spread across the floor. Two small cosy bean bag chairs and a little table with a candle in it were placed in a corner of the room. I didn’t see why there was a candle since there was a huge window which looked out onto the sports field.

“Do you always come up here?” i said touching the glass window

“Yeah i found it in year seven, when i can’t be bothered with P.E I sneak up here” She said sitting down on a bean bag chair.

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