Chapter 8

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Over the past few days, Nathan and I had checked out the café and had some lunch. It was a cute little place and it was cosy and welcoming. The walls were covered in paint, the shade of magnolia and were littered with pictures of the city and previous owners. There was even a framed article of when the café first opened. There was small coffee tables and dinner tables dotted about the room with the counter in a far corner, away from the door. Behind the counter was a single door, which I assumed was where the kitchen and the manager's office was.

The whole atmosphere of the café was lovely. They had the occasional businessman come in for his morning coffee and the odd student here or there either using their computers, doing homework, or ordering some breakfast for their way into school. To say it was small, it was busy throughout the day.

It had been a few days since we went and Nathan and I were currently just chilling and watching TV. Nathan had lazily put his arm around my shoulders and I felt more comfortable than I had ever felt with anyone else.

Nathan's eyes were glued to the TV as I glanced up at him, taking in all of his features. He was even more beautiful close up that I had originally thought and I couldn't look away. Nathan stayed fixed to the TV as I took in his smooth skin, his slight stubble and even beauty mark/flaw in his skin. No matter what, to me, he was beautiful.

"Pheonix, why are you staring at me?" Nathan asks as I look away.
"Sorry." I mumble as he turns my head to face him.

Nathan looks into my eyes as I am captured and captivated by his bright green eyes. He smiles, holding my chin in between his thumb and forefinger. He starts to lean in slowly and I feel myself leaning in too. He brushes his nose against mine and places our foreheads together. I could feel his breath on my face as I closed my eyes and parted my lips, waiting for his lips to touch mine but, they didn't. Before I knew it, he pulled away and removed his arm from around me.

"I'm going to make a cuppa." He mumbled before hurrying to the kitchen before I hear the kettle turn on.

What the hell was that? Why didn't he kiss me? Why am I so disappointed? Even if he did kiss me, it would be wrong, right? I shouldn't be disappointed because my step-brother didn't kiss me. I know for fact that it's so wrong but it feels so right. Why does it feel right when I know it's wrong?

"Nathan, what the hell?" I ask, walking into the kitchen as he turns to me.
"What? I want a cuppa." He says, knowing exactly what I'm on about.
"What the hell was that?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"What the hell was what?" He asks as I roll my eyes.
"You went to kiss me..." I trail off, "Why..." I trail off.
"Why what, Pheonix?2 He asks, "Why didn't I kiss you? Why did I pull away?" He asks as I look at the floor.

He tilts my head up to face him and looks into my eyes again.

"I didn't kiss you because it didn't feel right, I want the first time we kiss to be special and that's also the reason why I pulled away. It should be special and meaningful, not just an impulse kiss on the sofa." Nathan says as I place my hand on his cheek.
"No matter where or how it happens, it will be special and meaningful." I say as Nathan takes my hand.
"Phe, I want to make you feel special when I do kiss you. I want to be able to take you out on a date and kiss you in public. I want to hold your hand, cuddle you, give you so much affection but, it's hard because so many people know our parents and know us." Nathan says as I sigh.
"I don't care about them, Nath, and neither should you. This is about us, not them. Let them think what they want, this is our lives not theirs and, were not blood related so it's technically legal, right?" I ask as Nathan shrugs.
"I guess so but, it's not heard of, Phe." Nathan says as I smile.
"Because nobody has ever been open and honest about their relationship and how it started and who they were to each other before it happened. We should just own it and forget what everyone else thinks." I say as Nathan smiles a little.
"Okay. Be ready for 6. I'm taking you out. Wear something casual and comfy." Nathan says, giving my forehead a quick peck as I smile and make myself a glass of juice.

I go back to watching TV before it's time to get ready for our date.

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