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So guys before I begin I'd like to address something. I would very much appreciate it if you guys could refrain from giving me comments such as 'pls update soon' 'update pls'. It's literally a fucking guarantee that I update daily and even if I didn't, this type of comment is just by all pressuring. I know you guys really love the story and I tend to leave you on cliffhangers like a lot- but like I have a personal life as well. I spoil you guys by updating every single day. It can take me up to an hour to write a chapter for you guys as my inspiration isn't always there you know? So yk my time goes into it, I love that you guys are so invested in this story and it warms my heart to know how much you love it. But please refrain from pressuring me into updating, I have other fics as well that require my attention, ones I update weekly or try to. So please understand I don't only have this story and have a personal life that's pretty fucked up as I've mentioned before. So the will to update isn't always there as my mind can be blank at times. I thank you for your understanding, now let's get on with it shall we?


There were some complications with my birth." She stated looking at him fiddling with her tiny fingers.

"What type of complications?"


Zoro woke up in a panic. His breath was short and his eyes blurry. He tried to regain his focus and steady his breathing but it was of no use.

Suddenly he felt a hand squeeze his. He felt the familiar touch and spark on his skin. He immediately grew calm.

His eyes focused and he saw her eyes slowly flutter open and close again. Her breathing steadied and she craned her neck to look to the side.

"Zuki." He whispered afraid it was but a dream. She gave him a soft smile. "Tell them, they need to know." Her voice was hoarse and dry.

"I will, are you okay?"

"I'm tired." She mumbled before closing her eyes again, falling into a slumber once more. Zoro shot up and immediately ran out.

He called everyone to gather into Misokazuki her room immediately. It was urgent and they could hear the urgency in his voice.

Soon the 6 people crowded into the room awaiting Zoro's urgent message.

"Zuki woke up a few seconds ago. She fell back asleep but not before telling me to tell you what you got to know." Zoro let out a sigh as chopper checked her vitals.

"Everything seems to be in order and I think she'll wake up soon permanently." He stated before settling himself back down with the others.

Zoro looked at them a serious expression painted on his face. "If I ever find out any of you shared this secret. I will kill you and it won't matter that we are friends or not." He warned them to which everyone nodded.

"Her secret will be safe with us Zoro. She's our friend after all." Luffy smiled at him to which Zoro gave him a curt nod.


She looked at him sitting down on the tree trunk. It was the spot they had first met and it became their spot.

The little boy had settled himself next to her. "You know how the blood moon is a bad omen?" She stated more then asked to which he simply nodded.

"It is and it isn't." She begin unclear of how to start precisely.

"I was born healthy and all that stuff but because of the glow of the blood moon. It's rarity and special side effects. I was born with a curse."

"A curse that would make me weak every other moon but the blood moon. During the blood moon I would get super powerful. Of course power like that requires a price and that's me being all weak every other moon. Until the moon disappears."

"During the day I would be fine but during the night when the moon shines brightly upon us, I'd be crippled and weak."

"Is there a way to cure this curse?" Zoro asked worried and she gave him a smile.

"My family hired a shaman after they found out when I was but a few months old. They performed a ritual to lock the curse away giving me the opposite. I'd be weak during the blood moon which only occurs like once or twice every three and a half years."

"So not that often fortunately." Zoro stated a smile on his face. "Now it's important no one knows this as they could find the ritual and reverse it." She stated with utmost importance.

"It would be bad, they could kill you or worse when you're weak." He stated glumly.

"Don't worry, that won't happen."

"Of course it won't! You've got me to protect you always!" He smiled proudly to which she smiled.


"So someone found out and set the curse free again?" Nami questioned to which Zoro nodded.

"Then why is she still out cold? It's day right now the moon isn't out." Sanji stated.

"The curse has been locked away inside her body for so long, her body needs time to adjust itself to it. To suddenly become so weak can take a toll on one's body."

"That and the excruciating pain that comes with it. She told me how she could recall the burning pain that came with the curse. The world rejected her body and made her suffer. It felt like she was burning from the inside out."

"She's in pain?" Usopp asked to which Zoro nodded.

"It's why she becomes so weak during the time of the moon. The light touches her skin and makes her feel nothing but pain."

"We have to find a way to lock the curse or even better break it!"

"We can only do that when she wakes up. She will know more about it then us."

"Until then we have to find out who wants her dead and kill them. If the threat is out of the way then it will be easier for us to focus on the curse."

"We need information, so next town we come across. We will pressure people for the information we need."

"It's settled then."

Everyone nodded and left the room but Zoro of course. He wanted to be there when she woke up. Tell her about the plan and the fact everyone knows. He wanted to protect her beyond anything else.


I have a massive headache, if there's any spelling errors lemme know 😔

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