
23 1 1

Ava pov
I woke up and I felt so great like I couldn't be happier but I felt like anything could shatter my heart I mean to be honest I always had those feelings then I would break down but I decided to put all that behind my head I mean like I wanna have good day like one alone with Diana or no body I wanna just be like free and alone and I knew just were to go so I decided to get ready first I took a shower and I got dressed very casual not to sketchy I then put some light makeup and put my hair in a messy bun and I got my purse and went out the door I went to my car and I put the aux cord connected to my phone and played music until I got to Starbucks I went through the drive through and got a Cotton candy frappe bc why not it's Summer so I might as well I then went to this outlet to go shopping before I actually went to the store I wanted bc my choice was risky and I didn't wanna get caught and I heard it's prettier at night according to Nash he always comes here when he's stressed or sad. I went to hollister and I bought some jeans and I went to rue 21 for some croptops bc I mean I couldn't
Diana pov
I woke up with a bad headache I went downstairs to take some Advil and I waited like 1hr then I felt better surprisingly i tryed to find Ava but she wasn't home so I decided to call it a day and got out and swim and do fun stuff so I went to put one my mint bathing suit and I got a towel and I went to get my phone I put it in a zip loc and tighten it closed so it wouldn't get water in it and I could use my phone in the pool I learned that from some you tubers I watched 😊 I got a juice pack and brung it outside and i went outside I was tanning for a bit then I went in the pool and swam for a bit I got hungry so I went to the kitchen for something to eat I got a pop tart and a water then went back outside to our picnic table I sat down and I was eating and on Twitter until Jack posted a tweet
@jack gilinsky
Missing bae see you soon girl 💟
He tweeted
I just smiled and replied
I tweeted that ( y/n I made up Diana's user bc yah it's not real tho)
I finished up my snack and just sat by the pool with my feet in the water for a little so Then I went inside and took a shower and put my hair in a French braid and I put on some joggers and a white v neck and I got my purse and now I'm headed to the beach to go for a walk and see the sun go down I was excited bc Jack would be here in 2 days and tomorrow I would spend the day packing I walked for a little Now the sky is a pinkish color and that meant the sun would be down any second now so I sat on the sand until someone tapped on my shoulder I turned around and a boy was there I looked at him confused for a sec
"Um hi" I said
"Sorry but hi my name is rudan " he said ( lol 5 squad is bae so I had to put them in this book tho aka hi Canada for the ppl who went to digi fest Toronto )
"Oh well so why did you tap my shoulder not to be rude " I said
"Oh it's just I came with my friend Edwin and he met this girl and there hanging out and basically your the only other teenager here " he said I looked around the beach and he was right there was just me and him
"Oh well wanna talk" I said
We talked for 3hrs
"Well it was nice knowing you I have to go " I said
"Wait can I have your number " he said
"Oh sure "I gave it to him and left
I was walked to my car and then there wasBright flash
I turned around and somone took a picture of me and I saw them running away
I didn't actually care but what if somone is stalking me so I just ran to my car and got in and drove home
Ava pov
I went was on my way to the place bc it was dark I went up this hill and there it was the Hollywood sign Nash would always tell my he would sit in the big O went he felt sad or stressed so I basically had to climb a fence since it's illegal to be by the sign so I went there and I sat in the O it felt good the breeze and the city I was looking down on I sat there for about 2 hrs and now I was headed on my way back down the hill when I got down I started my car and I am now on my way home when I got home I got a text from Nash
Bae😏-hey what's up babe
Me-nothing much just excited to see you in 2days
Bae😏-yep same and to see our family remember
Me-oh yah that too I forgot about that
Me-hey I'm let you go I'm sleepy
Bae-bye princess
End of texts
I took a shower more calm I turned on the water and took a steamy hot ,fresh shower I then went to change into a big t shirt and I put my hair down and went downstairs and got a water and I went back upstairs but to Diana's room
"Hey Diana " I Said entering her room
"Hey where were you " she asked
"Oh I went to a place were Nash hangs out except he wasn't there duh" I said
"Oh " she replied
"I just came up to say goodnight so night bae" I said
"Night " she said
I went back to my room and got under my covers and fell asleep into a deep good sleep ...
Diana pov
I entered my house still creeped out bc I, just worried I went to my room and got in the shower I took a nice one I then got out and removed my makeup I then went to my room and put a white tank top on and some boy shorts I was on my computer until Ava came home she came to my room and we had a short conversation. I was on Twitter and some ppl posted tweets about magcon from today I only read like a few but here's three of them
@hotforgilinsky , Finally met my idol ❤️😊 it took forever
There was a picture to it as well then there was this other one
@mattysaur bae be rocking the stage ☺️✌🏼️
There was a pic of Matt on stage here one last tweet was. Typical thing a girl would put
@dallasislife cam grinding tho 😍
There was a vid of cam grinding to a song while the girl behind the camera was shouted faster cam
Honestly I laughed my guts out I finally decided to go to bed so I put my phone to charge and fell asleep ..
/////next. Day ////
Ava pov
I woke up and felt great I wanted to go do something but all I consisted on doing was packing all day but I went downstairs and went to the kitchen and put some waffles in the toaster for me and Diana and then she came down and I was putting our waffles and drinks on the table
"YUMMY WAFFLES " she screamed like a little kid at a candy store I mean like we're little kids by ❤️
"Yes it's waffles now let's eat " I said
We ate and I went upstairs and got my suitcase I put it one my bed and went to my closet and picked out some outfits and j tryed them on and then I Put the ones I liked in the suticase I put about 6 since its I was going to parents house and Nash's so I finally finished packing at about 6:00 pm and I was glad my bae was coming tomorrow I finally put my stuff that I was gonna take in my purse and now all I can do is chill which is what I'm best at I decided to just go in the pool I put my black bikini top and bottom and I grabbed a towel and now I'm ready I went down the stairs and out the back door to the pool I got in and swam for a while and I got out and sat under the sun shine it felt great I then got a Twitter notification by Nash
@nashgrier -Hayes coming to LA with me tomorrow 😒
I finally get to meet this Hayes yah I know it's Nash's brother but I know Hayes is cause I watched some of his YouTube videos earlier today and yesterday basically when i want but anyways I decided to tweet something
@THATSOAVA- bored 😌 distance means so little when love means so much. 😘
I tweeted that I noticed I got 6k new followers so I have about 100 k right now
I went in the kitchen I made a fruit salad and ate it in the living room while watching Ppl (you'll know what it is if you read since the beginning) I went to my room once I finished and I could hear Diana sing at one point there was a very high note and she didn't hit it bc her voice cracked so I laughed and you could her her say "fuck " bc she mumbled it under her breath I guess cuz she didn't him that note I fell asleep but only for a nap
Diana pov
I woke up and I was ready to pack but first when I woke up I smelt waffles I ran downstairs "WAFFLES " I scearmed I went to eat but then after I finished I went back up stairs to start packing I went to my closet for my suit case I sat it on my bed and went to my closet there was nothing to pick I looked at my clothes and nothing so I decided to try them on 2hrs later I found to outfits
ok Diana you need to think I thought I then turned on some music and Ariana grande came on I was jamming to my music and then a high note came and I failed and I could hear Ava laughed
"Fuck " I mumbled I didn't know she was listing what ever
Ten minutes later
Ok I finally was finished its currently 9:00 and now I'm taking shower and falling asleep I went in the bathroom and I turned on my shower and put it steamy and nice I Got out of the shower once I finished I went to my room and put on a big t shirt and I soon fell asleep in my comfy bed
I woke up from my short nap but I went to get a water and checked Twitter and some of my other medias and I listened to some music and watched tv and basically other things that can keep my interested but soon the sleep took over and I fell asleep
Hey loves it's Daisy finally found out how to do the BOLD print and I'll up date soon it's just I've been reading other fan fictions and I forgot about updating so,sorry again and good night 😘 bye , oh and this up date only has 2019 words I know it's short sorry lol 2019 in four years

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