Episode 2: Say My Name

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*I'd like to take a moment to thank the Danger Force writers for absolutely fucking the timeline I perfected in Henry Danger. I get that it's supposed to be funny, but our doofus wasn't alive in the 60s! This is just me rewriting every plot hole they stupidly made and offering some kind of explanation for them. Hopefully, it works???*

~The Man's Nest~

Well, this was awkward.

Following the utter disaster at Swellview Prison, Captain Man and Miss Danger understandably were red-faced and humiliated. That night would go down as the worst mission in history, ending with an endless Frankini fashion show and many apologies to the cops when they reported an influx of crime.

The city was appalled, and rightly so. The ones they'd employed and expected to keep them safe had freed the worst of society for their own sport, and now, they feared to go out after dusk - who knows who they'd meet in a dark, lonely alley? Every citizen wanted answers, demanding that their heroes be held accountable for their pathetic actions; after all, weren't they meant to fight crime, not free it?

So, that's why Ray and (y/n) grovelled, taking their seats at a desk in the Man's Nest, clad in full uniform and classic, apologetic pouts. The man couldn't stand it, thinking it wasn't his fault that Danger Force caused the worst jailbreak in Swellview history, but like City Hall said, (y/n) told him that they ultimately held responsibility. Their team, their rules, their fuck-up.

He didn't have to like it - they just had to convince everyone that they were sincerely sorry.

"--Wool, cotton, and nylon are all up, but polyester is down," Mary Gaperman said as she finished the last segment before KLVY cut to their exclusive interview with Captain Man and his pretty sidekick. Trent swore that no one cared, sitting beside her with a stony expression, preying for someone to end the pain of sitting through her report - he was waiting for the drama.

"And that's the Sock Market Report," she finished, looking strangely serious for such a jovial topic. Still, they quickly moved on, the tension making (y/n) squirm in her chair.

"Thank you, Mary. We now go to Captain Man and Miss Danger, live from the Man's Nest--" Trent sniffed dryly, cutting to the camera feed that showed the hero fiddling with his super-suit, only for his wife to clear her throat and nudge his arm. They tapped their earpieces, looking uncomfortable and nervous, knowing they were about to be scolded within an inch of their lives.

"--to explain exactly what happened last night at Swellview Prison."

"Thanks for having us, Trent...Mary," (y/n) smiled, feeling her doofus reaching for her hand as she smiled politely, trying not to seem anxious. They strangled their gloved fingers together, glad to feel the warmth seeping through the thick fabric, reassuring her he was there.

"Glad to be here. Thanks so much," Ray nodded, trying his signature Captain Man grin to placate their anger, but Trent didn't seem impressed. Mary, on the other hand...

"May we start by congratulating you both on your recent marriage," the woman smiled sweetly with her typical vacant expression. However, she still made the couple all blushy and shy, glancing at each other adoringly as they squeezed their joined hands and thanked her.

"Captain Man, you broke a lot of hearts when you announced that Miss Danger was your wife...do you realise that you've taken the most eligible bachelorette off the market?!"

"Mary--Mary--focus, Mary!" Her colleague interrupted, wiping the smug grin off Ray's face since Trent's furious tirade meant he couldn't talk about his favourite subject - his sweet girl.

He could go on for hours about her, recognising his privilege after wedding the girl of his dreams, making dozens of other men jealous. Anyone could see how in love he was, sighing contently and laying his spare hand over hers, holding her palm like it was the most precious thing in the world--until he ruined it.

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