Chapter two

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"Sage hurry up were going to be late. The party starts at 11 and it's already 10:37." Carly yelled from downstairs. "I'm coming'" I yell back. I'm wearing a purple dress that I hate but oh well.
I go downstairs to meet the others. "You look hotter then hell. You try to turn me gay." Maddie said. "Maybe" I say back walking to her and kissing her. "Ewwww get a room you two." Cara said "No" we both say at the same time. "WHERE HERE BITCHS!!!!" Carly yells as we walk in. "There's the party girls" Jack yells as he pushes the girl he was just making out with aside. He comes up and kisses me. "Come on I was about to get a drink" Jack says as he puts his arm around my shoulder. We go into the kitchen where we see Jay having sex with some girl on the counter. Well I guess I was right he did cheat on her. "Here you go" Jack said as he handed me a bottle of vodka. At least he knows I like to have a bottle all to myself. "DRINK DRINK DRINK!" The crowd yelled as I chugged my second bottle of vodka. I finished and every one goes wild. If there is one thing I love about party's it the drinking. You're able to forget everything. Forgot you past, present, and future. I like getting high too but not as much as getting drunk. It is about 3am now and it almost the hole school is here. "Ooooooooo Cara and Kate." Jace said . "Shut up." Cara said as she shoved him. Cara and Kate kiss. It is now about 6am and it is only the group here well except Jack he is upstairs fucking a girl and we are playing spin the bottle. "Alright it's my turn to spin." Kate said. It landed on Felix. "Ewwww no he's like my brother." Kate said with a disgusted look on her face. "Yea I'm with Kate on this one." Felix said. "Boo you whore" I said I mean I have to keep my popular mean girl face. Every one laughs and then start chanting "KISS KISS KISS KISS!!" They finally kiss and Felix spins. It landed on Ace. They kiss. Again again again. I kiss a few people. The others kiss a few people. It's an endless loop just like life. "I'm going to go get a drink." I say as I get up from the floor. As I'm getting a drink Felix comes up and kisses me. After about 30 seconds he brakes the kiss to breathe. He puts his mouth near my ear "Want to go back to my place?" Full of lust. Here we go again. "Sure."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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