•10• _Pt 2 - Forest of Memory

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Pov. S/n

"Monkey Queen...!!""


"...Please wake up...!!"




I woke up, sitting up quickly as I caught my breath, I looked down at my hands trying to understand what was going on, I felt my body tingle for a few minutes before the tingling just stopped. As I caught my breath, I realized where I was.

"But what...?" I murmured, seeing thousands of bamboos around me, a condensed mist hovering in the air, giving the dark forest a more frightening and mysterious aspect. I stayed still, listening to the children around me, paying attention to every creak of the bamboos, every call of the crickets, even the sound of the bamboo leaves swaying in the wind. Suddenly this cycle stopped when I heard a branch break. I sighed and looked in the direction of the noise, seeing a trail almost unmade by nature. My tail twitched nervously as I waited for something to happen, but nothing did. I swallowed the lump in my throat and gathered as much courage as I could and finally said something. "... Hello...?" It was a stupid question at the time, and I wanted to blame myself for saying it, but what's done is done.

I got up, brushing the dry leaves and twigs off my hand, and looked around.

"MK? Macaque? Monkey King?" I asked before starting to walk, not realizing I was making the trail way. "MK?!" "Monkey?!" "Monkey King?!" I screamed looking around me, looking for any signs of life. And out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving, I quickly turned in that direction, ready to act, but I relaxed when I saw... A paper lantern, it was hanging on a low bamboo tree, and surprisingly it was lit. I looked beyond this lantern, and to my surprise, or suspicious, there was a trail of lanterns, I looked at the lanterns, nervously, feeling something telling me to follow them, well...

I don't think I have a choice...

I started walking along the trail, my ears picking up the sounds of crickets, some unfamiliar animals and the leaves. I continued following the trail of lanterns, until they led me to a huge lake and there was also a red oriental arch a few meters in front of me. "What?..." I mumbled, confused. 'why would this trail of lanterns lead me here?'

As I looked deeper into the lake, I noticed that there were unlit paper lanterns floating in the lake...

I heard something behind me, which made me jump in fright and quickly turn around, relaxing slightly as I saw a small ball of blue fire floating by. The fireball floated past me, heading towards the lake, landing on the nearest lantern, lighting it and making it glow, revealing another unlit paper lantern further down the lake. The fireball floated out of the lantern, left it lit, and stayed still. despite being an element, he seemed to be looking at me...

I took five steps until I stopped at the edge of the lake, looked out over the water, and took a deep breath.

"Come on... Zuòjia wrote on that parchment, that I could swim... I hope this isn't some joke..." I mumbled, closing my eyes. I took my first encouraging step into the lake, then the second, and then the third, until I was from my waist down in the water, surprisingly, the water was warm, not boiling, just the right temperature. I took a deep breath, trapping as much oxygen as my lungs could hold before diving.

The water was crystal clear, allowing me to see that in its depths there was beautiful bright green algae. I passed under the lit lantern, and I could clearly see the next one lighting up. As I was swimming, I realized that I was being accompanied, I looked around me seeing that beautiful koi fish of different colors and sizes were swimming beside me, as if they were guiding me, and helping me not to get lost from the lanterns.

Soon, the lanterns went out, and I saw what looked like a stone structure in front of me. I surfaced, exchanging the stale air in my lungs for new oxygen. My attention then went to the structure, and a sigh escaped my lips, along with an air of nostalgia in my chest...

My attention then went to the structure, and a sigh escaped my lips, along with a wistful air from my chest.

(The is not like that, it is .)

The fog had lifted from that area of the lake, showing a small island with a huge cherry tree, looming over a temple, its flowers glowing beautifully in the golden light of the moon and stars. I came out of my trance and swam to the island.

I entered the temple cautiously, taking in the decorations and paintings. I approached one of the thousands of paintings showing something nostalgic. The painting showed what looked like a family of emperors. The emperor embraced his wife as she held a child in her arms. I frowned fuzzily, finding that child familiar... I watched her face closely, while trying to unravel that it was her. but a breeze full of petals interrupted me. I looked at the floating petals that drifted into a room ahead. I looked at the painting one last time and walked into that room. Sighing when I saw an altar, full of candles and incense, but not only that, a painting of me, with armor and my Kanzashis transformed into a staff.

I slowly approached and gently touched the painting, feeling the old and dusty fabric. I observed her face in the painting, which showed the feeling of seriousness. I paid more attention to the face and suddenly, the eyes of the painting gained a glow (F/c), suddenly the painting advanced towards me.


"AAAH!!!" I jerked to my feet, breathing fast and deep. I looked around me, trying to figure out where I was. It was some kind of room, no doubt about it. Once I managed to calm my breathing, I frowned. "What the hell happened?" I muttered. suddenly, the door was ripped off its hinges, making me jump and look at the door, seeing Mk, Monkey King, Tang Mei and Pigsy.

"Monkey Queen, you woke up!!" Mk yelled, before jumping on me, giving me a bear hug.

"Calm down Mk, she's still recovering." Monkey King said as he sat next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you well?" he said. I looked at him, my face expressionless.

"... What happened?" was my first question, at that very moment, Mk jumped off my lap and started jumping all over the room.

"It was amazing!! You had to see yourself!! You were full of lightning all over your body, you took a big leap and WOOSH!! Hit the demon Jade Crane with your staff!! then KRACRACK!!! Made thousands of lightning the slaughtered!!" Mk chattered as he did various action poses. Then Mei stepped in, standing in front of me with her cell phone.

"It's all over social media!! #MonkeyQueenReturns is at the top of the rankings!" she then showed me several videos of my supposed fight with the Demon Crane. "By the way, my name is Mei!" she said extending her hand to shake, I took it, forgetting that we had met before.

"You don't remember anything?" Monkey King asked, as Pigsy offered me a plate of noodles.

"No, I just... I thought it was somewhere else..." I say, causing curious looks. "I think I was in a huge bamboo forest, in some of them there were paper lanterns, I started walking along a path and... I found a temple in the middle of a lake" This caused the Monkey King to look surprised.

"Was there a bent cherry on it?"

I shook my head. "Yes, do you know where this place is?" I questioned, he then appeared with his head.

"That one--"

"This is the temple of the Lotus Warriors... your temple."

Monkey Queen / LEGO! Sun Wukong, Monkey King x readerWhere stories live. Discover now