With great power...

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During the second week in Gwen's dimension, Miles found himself growing more and more accustomed to the morph-suit. The strange sensation of being in Gwen's body became familiar, and he moved with a newfound ease. Days turned into nights, and the thought of shedding the suit hardly crossed his mind.

The only challenge came during the shower. Despite Gwen's reassurances, Miles insisted on wearing a blindfold to maintain her privacy. He couldn't shake off the idea that he was intruding, even though Gwen repeatedly told him she didn't mind.

As for Gwen, the initial strangeness of seeing her own appearance moving around her apartment started to fade. She rationalized it by likening it to having a twin sister. Over time, the sight of Miles as herself became a familiar presence.

One memorable night, the two of them decided to let loose. They cranked up the music to full volume, letting the rhythm of Gwen's favorite rock band, The Rocket Raccoon Riot, fill the apartment. They danced, jumped and headbanged with abandon, their golden hair swaying and shaking in sync with the music, catching the light from the lamp on the ceiling. Amid the exhilaration, they forgot about the oddity of the morph-suit and all that Spider Society mess. They simply reveled in being two friends –that in a way were also sisters– having a blast. By the end, their hair was a wild mess, and they were both sweaty, but their joy was genuine. They both were happier than they had been in a while.

Then, the next morning came, and the early morning sunlight streamed into the apartment, casting a warm glow over the room. Gwen had already left for work, and Miles found himself alone, dressed in a nightgown adorned with a grumpy cat stamp (this time the attire was his choice, not Gwen's). He had the entire morning to spare.

The apartment was quiet, and Miles decided to take advantage of the solitude. He picked up his phone and played some music on the speaker, and soon enough he found himself humming along to the beat.

Last week, he and Gwen had agreed to take turns cleaning up the place, so Miles picked up an old dusty broom from the closet and started sweeping.

"Needless to say, I keep her in check, she was all bad-bad, nevertheless..." he muttered in Gwen's voice, cleaning at the rhythm of the music, picking up the empty boxes of Chineese food scattered across the floor and dumping them in the trash bin.

As the chorus approached, his voice grew stronger. At some point, he even stopped sweeping and used the broom as a microphone "Then you're left in the dust, unless I stuck byyyyy ya, you're the sunflower, I think your love would be too mu-"

Just as he was about to finish the phrase, a knock sounded at the door, interrupting his impromptu performance. Miles quickly paused the song and set the broom aside. "Uh, who is it?" he asked cautiously, his heart racing.

There was no immediate response, causing a sense of unease to settle in the room. Miles tried again, his voice a bit louder this time, "Hello? Who's there?"

Still, no answer came from beyond the door.

They knocked again.

With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, Miles reached for the doorknob and cautiously turned it. To his surprise, the face of a mature man with gray hair suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Rent!" the old man exclaimed with a thick Russian accent, his cranky expression was slightly menacing.

Miles's memory jogged back to the warnings Gwen had given about her landlord, Mr. Ditkovich—she had specifically said not to open the door for him. Oops. "Mr... Ditkovich, right?" Miles managed, his voice a mix of politeness and wariness.

Mr. Ditkovich's response was laced with acid humor. "Ah, the smart one," he retorted, a wry grin spreading across his face. "Rent," he repeated, as if that single word encompassed a multitude of grievances.

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