Master Vile and The Metallic Armor P3

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Whoa last chapter of the Metallic powers. Jenna's just getting started with her whole new transition! I'm so excited to finish this! Keep reading! She wil only evolve greater. Not to mention Erin!


(3rd P.O.V.)

Inside the Command Center, the Rangers all stared at Erin, who was still watching them, waiting for a response.

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked, watching the demon who looked like their friend.

"I mean just what I said, I can tell you how to defeat the Blue Globber." Erin rolled her eyes, as if this conversation was being dumbed down.

"Why would you help us?" Rocky asked, still a bit confused at seeing Jenna look at them so darkly.

"I need Blue Globber gone. He's not apart of my plan. If he destroys you my plan doesn't work. so unless you want to say bye-bye to the world I suggest you listen to what I have to say." Erin scowled. The Rangers looked at her in shock, the little girl they considered a little sister, staring at them in such an evil way.

"Why should we believe you?" Billy asked, looking at Erin with discontempt.

"Because, you have no choice. It's either 'Hello demon deity' or 'Bye-bye Earth'." Erin spoke, looking smug at their situation.

"Fine. What do you know about him." Katherine spoke up, before anyone else could come up with another question.


The Falconzord's eyes glowed red, followed by the Shogun Megazord's, and then the Ninja Megazord's. They then all disappeared, and then returned to Angel Grove, ready to fight Blue Globbor. Thanks to Erin's suggestions and revealing of where the Megazords were hidden and where Blue Globber's weakness was, the Rangers were ready for battle.

Ninjor and Master Vile had both seen the Zords arrived. Erin stood at the top of a building watching them, ready to do her part as soon as they had done theirs.

"The Zords are back!" Ninjor exclaimed.

"Use their energy and transform!" Master Vile ordered Blue Globbor.

Blue Globbor walked towards the three Zords, and then stood in front of them all. He then sent blue lighting through his body, and changed his appearance, which included four Ranger-like helmets on his head.

"How do you like me now, Rangers!" he laughed. "I've got the same power as you!"

Master Vile and Ninjor kept on watching.

"I can't lose now!"Blue Globbor yelled.

"Well put." Master Vile commented. "Show them, Globbor!"

MMPR: Jenna StewartWhere stories live. Discover now