Memories are nothing but ashes

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TW injury, possible insanity, suicidal thoughts (not really, but they kind of sound like them)
Please let me know if I missed any

Techno felt the weight of whatever happened, hit him like a brick. He was so tired, which didn't make sense because, wasn't he just asleep? The human shook it off as he followed the other hunter, taking note of a small crow sitting on a bare tree.

"Come on, there's a village just down the path. We can stay there until the next job."

"I've got a house." Techno said faintly.

Dream laughed. "Oh, you're good, Technoblade, we travel so much as hunters, neither of us can have a house. We'd never be there."

Techno frowned and kept walking. He remembers having a house in the ground, with a pathway full of flowers. Flowers someone planted for him.

Who gave him flowers?

He didn't remember.

"You alright?" Dream paused. The other hunter had begun lagging behind.

"Yeah, just, out of it, I guess."

"I mean, you were wandering the woods for gods know how long, and you're currently injured." Dream gestured to the man's arm, where a long jagged cut sat, barely healed enough to not bleed.

Techno touched the new scar gingerly. Maybe it was all a fever dream, the cozy hole house, the smell of flowers in the breeze, black obsidian wrapped around him like the night giving him a comforting hug.

Maybe it seemed wrong, but he wanted to go back to that dream instead of this reality.

He was patched up at the village, and everyone was celebrating his return. But all the cheering and the light made him dizzy. The fire in the cabin licked at his mind, burning away bits of his memory, making his mind hazy with smoke. Curling tendrils looked so innocent on everburn arrows, imbedded in the dying grass of early autumn. Too alive for the fire to spread.

Techno doesn't remember stumbling out of the cabin, only staring at the evening sky, slowly darkening to night. Large swaths of black, lighter around the edges where the town's light touched the sky. Stars speckled the evening, much dimmer than the man remembers.

He wrapped his arms around himself, letting the night embrace him like obsidian wings. It held a degree of comfort, but there was no warmth in the embrace.

The pink haired man sighed as he sat on a rock. "Well, here I am again, sitting on a rock, talking to the sky. Or maybe to the crows in the tree over there." He tipped his head to the tree. "Well, I don't know what's happened. That's the part that's plain and simple. It's just-" the man stared at his limp hands. "It felt so real, and maybe I wanted it to be."

The people who cared for him. Who loved him almost like a family, he could only remember small bits and details. Because they weren't real in the end.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I don't even feel like a hunter." He stared down at his hands. "Maybe I should just run away."

The sky wrapped him in a hug, with no stars, just blackness. "You don't have to fit in." it murmured softly, in a voice that wasn't meant to be understood.

Just surrender yourself to the dark. Get lost in space. A voice chimed in his mind. Welcome home.

Techno wished he could, wished he could just lie down and let the darkness consume him, washed in happiness and love from a family that wasn't real.

Sleep now, the stars chanted, you're safe here, they sang.

So Technoblade lied down and closed his eyes, the cool night air brushing over his face and ruffling his hair. A crow called in the distance.


AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH I'm still debating how this should end, so



Have fun

Have a great day/night my F̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶!

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