Chapter One

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One year later

I jolted awake to the annoying blare of the alarm clock at my bedside. I felt around until I found the snooze button, and then I groggily sat up. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed, picking out my clothes for the day, and headed into the bathroom connected to my room. I changed into a pair of black leggings, a gray shirt, tied a red and black plaid shirt around my waist, and finished with an oval amethyst pendent that had been passed down through my family for generations. I brushed my long, dark brown hair back, and pinned my bangs up and out of my golden eyes. I headed back to my room, tied a pair of black combat boots to my feet, and headed downstairs.

"Morning aunt Gracia." I said, walking into the kitchen.

My aunt was my mother's younger sister. She was small, with the same dark hair as me, but with pretty blue eyes.

"Good morning Faye. I made some pancakes, would you like some?" She asked, flipping some pancakes from her griddle to a plate.

"Yes, thank you." I responded politely, knowing that I owed her that much after taking me in without hesitation.

Aunt Gracia brought over a plate with a few pancakes stacked on it, and I quickly dug in. After I finished, I washed my plate - my aunt didn't like dishwashers, so we washed all our dishes by hand - and soon after, there was a honk outside.

"Oh, that must be Scar." I said, grabbing my leather jacket and backpack, and heading to the door.

"Have a good day!" My aunt called as I shut the door.

I walked up to the old, cherry read Volkswagen Jetta my friend Scarlet drove, and got into the passenger's seat. My friend Alaina was already sitting in the back seat.

"Hey Faye!" She beamed at me.

Alaina was the youngest of our group, having just turned 15, with wavy light brown hair, and kind hazel eyes.

"What took you so long?" Scar grumbled as she put the car into drive and headed down the street.

Scarlet was pretty much the exact opposite of Alaina. She was the oldest at 16 with fiery red hair that matched her personality, and green eyes that shone like emeralds. She often sounded nasty, but beneath it all, Alaina and I could tell she cared about us.

"Sorry, overslept." I responded, smiling some.

"Mm-hmm." Scar replied, and kept her eyes on the road.

All too soon, we pulled into our assigned parking spot at school. I opened the door and hopped out, my combat boots standing out against the light covering of sparkling frost on the grass. Alaina and Scar got out behind me, and we headed towards the front doors together. We walked down the hall until we reached the corner, and said good-bye to Scar. As she was a junior and we were sophomores, we didn't have the same classes together. Alaina and I shared three classes together: first, second, and last. Our first period was biology, my best and favorite subject, so we headed down the hall to class.

We walked into the classroom, early as usual, and headed to the table we shared in the back of the room. Each table could seat four students, but we were the only ones who sat at ours. As I reached my seat, I sat down and laid my head on my arms, waiting for class to start.

Class soon started, and I barely paid attention as the teacher took role.

"Faye Wolfe."

I startled up and stuttered out, "Here!"

The class began to giggle and I looked down in embarrassment. I didn't pay attention to Mr. Ray until I heard him say, "new students".

I looked up in surprise, and saw two boys standing at the front of the classroom. One of them was taller, and had messy brown hair with bright blue eyes. He wore a graphic tee with a tiger on it, along with jeans, sneakers, and a black jacket layered on top. The shorter one had blonde hair that fell across his forehead, and into his eyes, and had dark blue eyes. He wore a shirt with a muffin on it, with the word 'stud' above it.

Stud muffin. Ha, real cute. I thought.

I could've swore Blondie smirked, making me wonder if he could read my mind or something.

Don't be stupid. There's no way he can read your mind.

At least I hoped.

"This is Alexander Ross, and Jackson Ross. Please welcome them to Forest High, and show them the hospitality our school is famous for." Mr. Ray said. He glanced around the class room quick, his eyes landing on my table. "Alexander, Jackson, go ahead and take a seat at Faye's table."

The boys walked over casually, and they sat across from Alaina and me.

Up close, I realized they were both gorgeous, but it was Alex that I couldn't take my eyes off of. Mr. Ray started talking again, but I was completely and ultimately unable to focus. He soon walked over to his desk and sat down, and the classroom began to stir into action. I glanced at Alaina, trying to figure out what to do.

"Um ... what are we doing?" I asked finally.

Alaina looked at me, surprised. "Faye? Weren't you paying attention?"

I shook my head. "I kind of zoned out."

Alaina frowned. "That's not like you at all Faye. Anyways, we're supposed to read chapter 12 out of our text books, and answer the questions as a group."

I nodded my thanks, and grabbed a book. As I was opening it, I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up to see Jackson was watching me. I tilted my head a little, and he said "So you normally pay attention in class, but couldn't the day I arrived?" His mouth curved up into a smirk. "I'm flattered Faye. I didn't expect you to fall for me the first day."

I rolled my eyes at him, trying to keep my blush from showing. "I wasn't distracted by you."

Jackson's eyes flicked towards Alex. "So you admit you were distracted. Maybe... you weren't distracted by my brooding brother were you?"

Alex glanced up, and glared at his brother. "Jackson, pipe down. We have an assignment to work on."

Jackson sighed. "A buzz kill as usual. Would it kill you to lighten up some?"

Alex kept flipping pages as he answered with a slight smirk, "It might."

I shook my head, pressing back a smile of amusement. I was glad Alex had told his brother off, since it prevented me from having to answer the difficult question.

As class progressed, I found my thoughts were centered around Alex. He didn't talk to me much all class, but I still couldn't stop thinking about him. When the bell rang, I quickly packed up my stuff and ran out without even waiting for Alaina. There was something about Alex, and I was getting two different feelings; one saying to get closer, and one saying to get the hell away.

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