Chapter Ten

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I can already tell what you're imagining. After seeing the body of my best friend, I honorably declared she would not have died in vain, desperately searched out for the killer to bring them to justice.

That would be cool, but that's not exactly what happened.

I screamed and covered my mouth, my eyes wide in fear and disbelief. "'re not can't be....right?"

I slowly backed away a few steps, my eyes darting around at the shadows cast by the countless trees, then turned on my heel and ran back to camp. However, as I reached camp, I ran into something hard - something which was actually a chest. Alex's chest.

I looked up to see him staring down at me, Jackson right behind him.

"Well, they made their move faster than I thought."

"You're right. Not even Father could predict this turn of events. Guess it's time we whisk the princess away~."

"Wha-", I was unable to finish, as Alex took my hand suddenly and started running.

"Sorry, Faye, but I'm afraid there's no time for explanations right now. You'll just have to trust us."

Trust them? I thought I could, but with all shit that just happened, I didn't know who I could trust right now.

Jackson, who was running next to me, took my other hand and squeezed it softly. "Don't worry, Faye. You can trust us. We'd never do anything to hurt you."

I looked up at him in surprise. How did he...?

Jackson winked at me, then let go of my hand. Before I could say anything, I realized we were headed to the buses.

"Wait! The doors are locked! How do you plan to-"

The doors suddenly flew open of their own accord, before I could even finish my sentence. The boys dragged me on the bus, and Jackson led me to one of the seats, while Alex hopped in the driver's seat and started hot wiring the bus.

The shock began wearing off, and I found my voice once more. "Okay, just what the hell is going on?? Who killed Alaina? And why are we leaving everyone else behind??"

There was silence for a moment, then Alex finally spoke up. "We can't answer that right now."

"Oh, you can't answer that right now? What the hell does that mean! How am I supposed to trust you, if you keep me in the dark about all this?!"

There was more silence, until the bus's engine suddenly roared to life. Alex threw the bus in drive, and started down the path again.

"Wait! Where are we going! Alex, the killer could still be out there! We've got to help the others!"

"Faye, relax. The Fangs aren't going to kill anyone else. They're not after you."

"Jackson!" Alex hissed from the front.

"The Fangs? Who are they? Why are they after me?"

"Jackson, don't tell her anymore."

"Lighten up, Alex. How else are we going to get her to trust us?" Jackson looked at me with a serious expression. "The Fangs are a group of dark witches and warlocks who hunt their own kind. They're after you for an obvious reason: you're a witch."

My aunt's words rung through my head, you can't let anyone know you're a witch!

"W-what? Witches? Sheesh to make this sound like a fantasy novel!" I laughed, attempting to shake him off.

"Yeah, we know you're a witch, Faye. And don't worry, my brother and I, we're warlocks. I can read the minds of any one person at a time, and Alex-"

"Jackson, that's enough!"

Alex's angry yell sent an uneasy silence through the bus.

"Sheesh, Alex. What's gotten into you?"

"You need to mind your place, Jackson. Don't go forgetting what our father told you."

"Of course not, but I mean, do you expect to just leave her in the dark forever? She has the right to know what's going on!"

"That's not your choice to make. Now shut your mouth Jackson, before I shut it for you."

I had to admit, I was a little scared now. I've never seen these two fight like this...never seen Alex this angry. It was kind of...intimidating. I did not want to be on this guy's bad side, that's for sure.

Jackson closed his mouth, and glared so fiercely at his brother, I was pretty sure he could make holes in the back of his head.

Alex kept his eyes on the road however.

Meanwhile, considering I couldn't do anything, and since it was 1:36 a.m., I decided to get some rest, since my eyes threatened to close on their own.  I rested my head against the cool glass of the window, and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the hooded, shadowy figures darting between the trees just outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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