Chapter 6.

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"So uh,

where are we exactly?"

After having a deep and very meaningful talk about my-our mother. My brothers, dad and I were all sitting down in the living room. I was sitting in one of the chairs, my legs crossed over each other. My father was sitting in the chair across from me, and the others were scattered on the couch's.

We had done some talking, getting to know each other better. But the biggest thing that was still on my mind.

"We are in Korea, Seoul, South Korea"

My eyes widened, how the hell did we get to South fucking Korea?! I live in Canada, and then I wake up and I'm in Korea? My eyes were as wide as planets, how long was I asleep for? It's at least a ten hour flight from Canada to Korea.

My mouth was agape as I was still trying to figure out how this came to be. My facial expression must have given off how surprised I was, as I heard a chuckle come from one of the couch's. As I looked towards the sound, I saw my- I think it was Hyunjin's? - covering his mouth with his hand, trying to keep in his laughter.

As he made eye contact, he slowly stopped his giggling and looked at me with sympathetic eyes. I had a pout on my face, embarrassed that my surprise to my surroundings was made fun of.

Jeez it's not my fault I was kidnapped from my home after seeing my dead uncle and then being dragged literally across the world and then, told that I have eight brothers and an alive father who I never knew existed. Maybe once they have to go through that they will understand not to-

My thoughts were interrupted. "I'm sorry Clove I didn't mean to be rude, it's just you looked so surprised." Hyunjin said to me, offering a small smile, "when you were outside trying to escape did it look like we were in Canada?" His raised his left eyebrow, still having that smirk on his face, though it wasn't a bad one, more of a teasing grin. I dropped my head, playing with my fingered that were sitting in my lap. Ashamed of being called out for my outing from earlier. I simply responded with a "No" I looked back up at him,

"but how did we get here?"

"By plane"

I rolled my eyes at his words. "Wow thanks for that enlightening information captain obvious, I mean how as in I don't think they would let you go on a plane with an unconscious girl in your arms."

"Your right" I turned my head towards my father "we took a private jet"

"Huh?!, aren't those super crazy mad expensive?!" I swear I should just permanently get my face plastered with my eyes wide open and my jaw on the floor because i feel like an idiot always looking like this. As I wait for an answer from my dad, I hear a voice coming from my right.

"You're right they are 'super crazy mad expensive'" Seungmin says, a smirk lining his lips "but we're also super crazy mad rich" I let out a scoff as I bounce back in my chair, no longer meaning forward out of shock as I once was.

"So your telling me," I look around the room making eye contact with each one of them before speaking again, "that while I was living with m-our abusive uncle, barley having enough money to buy food and water, you guys were here in your little humble abode sipping tequila and getting your asses cleaned for you. Huh, I guess you guys do have it all" 

The next thing I know, I see a wave of pity go through each and every one of their eyes, including my father. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just trying to point out a fact. "Wa-wait I-I wasn't trying to be rude I ju-"

I'm cut off in the middle of my sentence by someone getting up from the couch on my left, before I know it, Minho is crouching in front of me. He placed a soothing hand on my left knee and looked me right in my eyes.

"No Clove, you absolutely right. While we were here living a life of luxury. You were struggling to have a normal life in the real world. I" he pauses, his head falls to the floor as if he can no longer bare to make eye contact with me, "we are truly sorry, if we had known about your situation with our uncle we would have come right away." His eyes were pouring into mine and I could see from miles away how truthful he was being. I gave him a small smile and rose to my feet.

"How about we have uh something to eat?"

My statement came out as more of a question, as I wasn't really sure what time it was or where anything was in this house. All I knew was that I was very hungry.

Minho, still crouching on the floor, let out a small scoff along with a smile and picked himself up. Now as he was standing next to me, towering is what I would say, his hand came up and ruffled my hair. As strands go everywhere, I look up at him with a small pout that is soon washed over with a mischievous smirk as I raise both of my hands to his head and mess up his head until he looks like a unbrushed uncut fluffy ass cat.

His eyes widened when he realizes what I had done. And it's not to long after that, that he is chasing me around the living room with his hands out in front of him trying to catch me. Everyone around us just watched in amusement as Minho wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the ground. He shakes me until I can't feel anything and more and then places me back on the ground.

I let out a shaky breath and try to calm my breathing, but my happiness is not long lived as once again feel anything pair or arms find their way to my waist and lift me over their shoulder. I was once again off the ground and I the air, the only differences this time being that I was upside down, and the fact that I could see Minho standing in front of me with a giant smirk plastered on his face.

Wait. If Minho is there, then who's carrying me?!

As I make my discovery, I quickly turn my head around only to see a head of brown hair. My mystery brother turns his head a little to the side just enough for me to see his face,


I hadn't found in his hold though, being to tired from my running race with Minho to care, all I wanted was a plate of food.

When was the last time I ate anyways? I don't know how long I have been here for and before they took me, I hadn't eaten almost the entire day. Holy shit I-

I was interrupted before I could finish my thoughts, as I felt I was being placed down. I hadn't realized how long in had been upside down for until I was back on my feet and almost immediately tumbling to the ground with my head spinning.

"Woah there bean, don't fall over" I pair of hands rested on my waist, balancing me out so I wouldn't plummet to my death, as I look up I see changbin in front of me. He has a gentle smile adoring his features and a soft expression on his face. I look around me and see that we are no longer in the living room. But in the kitchen.

It was massive, well at least bigger than any kitchen I have ever seen before. As I'm too mesmerized at the view in front of me, I don't hear the patter of steps until I see a person standing at my side.

I turn my head and look up to see Felix smiling down at me.

"You ready for the best meal of your life bean?"


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