Chapter 2.

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As we all made our way over to the table that they had been previously eating at, I could still feel all their eyes on me. Watching me, and waiting for me to try and run again. But as of right now, I had no interest in running away. I wanted answers, none of this made sense to me. Why? Out of all the people in the world would they choose to kidnap me. A poor, lowlife citizen, who gets abused and tortured. A nobody. Who would ever want someone like me?

It looks like they were expecting me to have come down sooner or later, that being because they was a tenth chair at the table. Either that, or there was another person that had yet to come, and I was just keeping the seat warm for the time being. As everyone started to sit down, I placed my hand on the top of the chair, ready to pull it out and sit. But I couldn't help wondering, what am I to them?

"Uh, you kinda need to sit in the chair" one of the men who had decided that o sit next to me said. He had black hair that went until his neck, and it looked super soft.

"Right" I said, rolling my eyes as I grabbed the chair and warily sat down in it. I didn't put my hands on the arm rests though, because for all I know, these people could my psychotic and have cuffs coming out of them to keep me here. Remember, I just met these people, and ya sure, they aren't doing much to convince me that they want to hurt me. But I was also kidnapped by them, and they won't let me leave soo.

Once everyone was sat down, there was this awkward silence that fell upon everyone. It was like they had to tell me something, but either didn't know how to bring it up, or were to anxious. That was until the older man from earlier cleared his throat from the other side of the table and decided to start the conversation.

"Little bean-"

"Stop calling me that!" I yelled, as I made eye contact with the older man, I knew he could tell I was mad. They all could. "Stop with the bullshit nicknames and just spit it out already" Everyone at the table seemed some what surprised to hear that coke out of my mouth. The man let out a breath and looked down into his lap.

"Thats what your mother would always call you"

I visibly stiffened at the mention of my mother, and for some reason when I looked around the room, it looked like everyone else that done the same. When the man lifted his head up and met my eyes, I had no words

"Wha-what? Wait. You knew my mother?" By this point everyone's eyes were back on my figure. But now their was a different feel in the room. This guy knew my mother. Maybe I could ask him about her. Maybe he knows more about her. Maybe-

"Yes. I knew her very well. We were best friends for a very long time ago. And then we became soulmates."

My eyes widened,





Is this man my- I was taken out of my thoughts when he kept speaking.

"You see Clove, your mother was my wife. And you little bean, are my daughter."

My eyes widened even more. To a point I didn't even think was possible for them to get any bigger. This man was No. This can't be right. Lilith told me my dad was dead. That she brought me to my uncle because he was my only family left. Was that all a lie? All those years of pain, and I had a dad? The room was completely silent. To the point where you could hear a paper clip fall to the ground. All nine of the men sitting at the table with me, were now watching my every move. But I wouldn't move. Not yet. He has to be lying right? Right? If he really is my dad then why did he wait till now to find me? With all the power I can assume they have, (I mean look at this place) it wouldn't take very much to find me. So why did they wait till now to come for me?

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