
468 11 13

July 10, 2016

3rd person POV:

It was 7:00 AM on the dot, and then the 7 girls and 10 boys headed to the studio. Today was going to be about evaluating Hanae to see which unit she fit most, as well as seeing how she danced with the girls and boys.

"Good morning, thank you for coming, so as you know we will be evaluating Hanae today." JYP said while grabbing a clipboard that had Hanae's profile on it and blank notes next to it for her singing, modeling, acting, and dancing evaluation.

The sixteen nodded and decided on a song for Hanae to dance to.

"Hanae you are twelve, right?" Soonhi asked.

"Yes oppa." Hanae said.

"Okay, thanks, we want to make sure to give you an appropriate dance and a dance that is not too hard." Soonhi said smiling.

"Don't go easy on her, she can do more than you think." JYP said looking at a nervous Hanae.

"Choose this one, I know she knows this one for a fact." JYP said pointing to a song.

Then the music to a song by a group name 'WAAMUG' (but people don't know it stands for WE ARE A MADE UP GROUP) the song is called o.o ah, yes, by 'WAAMUG'

The sixteen sat there in shock after they saw her dance.

The way she perfectly sinked with the music, they way her hair flipped after every turn, the way she could control her body, the way no sweat fell. And she's only twelve.

"That was amazing Hanae!" Doyun said as she ran up to praise Hanae.

"What are you hiding in that tiny body kid!?" Jiho said praising Hanae.

"Good job Hanae, that was very well done." JYP said.

"Thank you sir." Hanae bowed.

"Catch your breath and meet us in the sound room, the others will be sitting in the lounge sort of it so they can hear you but won't be in the recording both with you." JYP said standing up and messing the others to the lounge while Hanae grabbed a water bottle and took a quick sip while trying to catch her breath.

"Okay Hanae, I would like you to sing... 'O.O' and... 'To the Beautiful you' by 'Wonder Girls." JYP said turning up the music and handing a papers of lyrics to Hanae to read off of.

(let's say Hanae is singing all the lyrics in both songs)

"Hanae... your high note are so good!" Jangmi said with a shocked face.

"I have to admit, that was pretty cool I guess, but you can't beat m-" Before Hyunjijncould finish Bangchan hit him in the head.

"What he means to say is, you are very talented for your age." Bang Chan corrected Hyunjin.

"Mhm." Hyunjin said rolling his eyes.

"Alright, let's do a duet to see if Hanae can dance with a male and a girl. Does anyone know 'Die for You'?" JYP questioned.

"I do." Soonhi said shyly.

"Great, youngest and youngest. Fourteen year old with a almost thirteen year old. I need you to make it look like you guys have chemistry." JYP said.

"Yes sir." Soonhi and Hanae said on sink as they got in position.

(What they are wearing in the video is what they have been wearing the whole time)

"Wow... the chemistry is there." Eunji said wiping a fake tear.

"That was pretty amazing you two." JYP complimented.

"Alright, Eunji I know you know sixteen shots. So you will dance it with Hanae."

(Hanae brown hair girl Eunji blonde hair girl.)

"Bravo." Chang bin said being sarcastic.

"Stop. Ignore Him. That was actually really really good!" Minji complimented.

"Thank you unnie." Hanae said.

"Alright, you have the rest of the day off, don't forget school starts tomorrow and the first episode airs live tomorrow." JYP said.

"Yes sir!" All seventeen kids said.

And with that. The last day of being, simple. Was gone.

Saito Hanae: Stray Kids 9th member (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now